Saturday, January 25, 2020
EBays Growth Strategies: An Analysis
EBays Growth Strategies: An Analysis To gain market in India, eBay has to change the way it operates. has to develop and implement new strategies for the change management. Using the following table the best theory to use is Lippitts Phases of Change Theory. This theory consists of 7 steps and it mainly focuses on change agents roles and responsibilities compared to evolution of change in the organization. Implementing Lippitts phases of change theory on The problem: eBay failed to make its impression in India, one main reason is the countrys internet and technology is still developing unlike in USA, where internet and technology growth reached its maturity level. People in India consider eBay as a virtual market, and so they dont believe in it, when compared to retail and wholesale markets. eBay is unable to adapt the different languages and cultures in the country so it is unknown to most of the people. Motivation and capacity for change: eBay has enough capacity for the change, and to localize itself in various states/cultures it needs to appoint local business people/change agents, who are familiar with local markets and the technology. Increase in fuel price, inflation, and recession are forcing people to choose other methods to purchase products they need, so eBay is the choice people have, and the change agent if able to inspire them the organization will grow strong in the market within few months. Change Agent and Resources: Recruiting those individuals who know the local market as well as have good knowledge about the internet and technology can be helpful. To check the motivation and commitment of the agent, he/she will be assessed through few interviews and other psychological tests. As the organization depends mainly on internet and technology, the required resources are available in India, like manpower, transportation, etc. Progressive change objects: Developing action plans and strategies with respect to different cultures and languages needs those language and culture experts, organization should employee those people before they build their strategies. The main goal here is to gain the customers belief and get close to them so they know the organization. Aims of this process are to decrease complexity and achieve operational excellence. Role of Change Agent: organization should define what they are expecting from the change agent, and change should be clear about what his/her duties are and should make it clear for the organization and other employees, and customers, by which no one gets confused in the process of change. Maintaining the Change: developing new strategies for marketing, like campaigns, advertisements about the organization and how the organization operates is very important for the organization. Taking feedbacks and review helps organization to understand how people are reacting and what are the other changes the organization needs to make, to increase belief on the organization? Change Agent: once organization reached a stage where people are believing in the organization and are able to communicate properly without any problem, the role of change agent should be lessened and the change process should be terminated slowly. What would you do differently if undertaking a project of this nature in the future? Following above steps can increase the belief of the people on the organization, but I would like to concentrate on one specific point i.e. existence of the organization in the virtual environment. The main reason, why people dont believe the is because of its virtual existence, and I would like to change that in to physical existence. Both buyers and sellers are customers of the organization and they can do it online, but I would like to provide a small place/ business centre where people can come and meet directly and exchange goods or products. By this process people will be more attracted towards the organization and customers belief towards the organization increases. However, this contradicts with the idea of online marketing but, this process should be and will be followed only for few days, until and up to the organization gains the belief of its customers. And we use this business centre only for those customers who are willing to come and for complex situations to reduce complexity. Factors which can influence the change management process Power: many organizations follow hierarchical power i.e. managers take decisions, sometimes with the support of employees and sometimes without the support of employees, about the process and strategies that organization is going to follow. Here management of eBay considers buyers and sellers are equally powerful to make their own decisions. Culture: eBay is a massive community with unique culture. In the site individuals can find articles offering wider information than just auction listing or price lists or web site tools. eBay creates opportunities for people, it cares its customers, and making a difference in the world. It explains us the unique psychology, attitudes, and beliefs and values of the management and founders of eBay. Communication: organizational communication and interpersonal communication plays a vital role in effective change management. Organization communication is leader communicating with the employees through meeting, conferences, or electronic mails. This information in general is for everyone in the organization to explain new strategies or action plans to its employees. Interpersonal communication is communication between management and employees, in general to provide information on what they are expecting from the employees and what organization aims at. It is also useful in taking feedbacks as not all the employees work and learns at same-pace. Interpersonal communication increases relationship between employees and management which is very important for an organization to sustaining change. Conclusion: eBay was able to make a strong impact on the market in USA, UK, etc. because the growth of technology in these countries was too high. eBay inc primarily depend on the internet for its existence and without internet and technology it cannot exists. In countries like India, where internet and technology is still growing and didnt reach its maturity level, it is hard for the organization to grow and make an impact on the market. Education level of the customers also plays an important role in online business, developing new software to make selling and buying process simple also plays a role in the development of the organization. Technology is a macro environmental factor, meaning organizations like eBay cannot control or increase the growth of technology in markets like India. So, developing new strategies like building physical existence rather than virtual existence can make a difference, it is not necessary to start a retail market but proving a business centre, where people can come in case of necessary and delivery issues can increase belief of customers on the organization. Providing local language call centres and customers support centres also helps organization to grow in the developing markets. Change is necessary in the present world, increase in globalization and internationalization is forcing organization to change and develop new strategies to gain the markets and customers. Because of increase in competition organizations are changing their products and markets to gain competitive advantage. In one way or another change is coming into the organizations, and managing change is very important as improper manage of change can destroy organization. An American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang | Analysis An American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang | Analysis According to Chun, who has studied the typical Asian American stereotypes and the myth of their success, Asian American descendants have been pressured into assimilating within an inflexible mold of Americanization to avoid the anti-Oriental stereotypes and prejudices of American society (The Myth). Chuns observation indicates that minority youth in the United States are constantly hard pressed by the biased and unequal educational system that is majorly dominated by those who enjoy white privileges. Shim argues in his article, which introduces the history of yellow stereotypes in America since 1800s, that the entertainment industry plays a critical role to enforce and expand racist practices through the false presentation of Asian stereotypes (From Yellow). Based on the strong influence of the media to young generations, stereotypes are extensively imitated and exercised at schools. In American Born Chinese, a graphic novel written by an Asian American immigrant Gene Luen Yang, the author successfully communicates to the audience of unjustified stereotypes faced by Asian American youth that equally share his cultural background at schools (American). Themes Yangs primary message of the novel is to persuade students to overcome racial adversities and accept their true identities. He effectively utilizes pathos in the scenes where everyone dislikes Chin-Kees abnormal behavior and where Jin constantly has to fight against Asian stereotypes to highlight the hardships of acculturation of young generation in America. On the other hand, the implicit message of the novel is to allow educators to notice and seek for solutions on racial discrimination against non-white groups students that discourage their academic motivation and cultural preservation. In light of Yangs primary and secondary messages, the audience can learn that culture is not static or inherent for anyone. Instead, it is reproduced and learned by young generation as an account of evolving and complex progress through educational experience. Yang appeals to the greatest level of audience with three different genres and demonstrate to them the idea that minority youth culture is s haped and distorted in academic environment through the use of stereotyped behaviors, provocative language and ironic caricatures of Chin-Kee in the novel. Yang adopts three genres to targets audience from the general category of those who endeavor to identify their cultural heritage to the non-white minority groups in the American society. He expresses in an interview that, My Chinese heritage informs the way that I am an American (Youtube). These words indicate that Yang wants to draw the attention of Asian American immigrant specifically through the novel because of his academic experience. Nonetheless, the books increasing popularity successfully brought the attention of educators and critics of American power structures. He is able to reach different levels of audience for the reason that multi-culture education reflects the interaction of each individual pupil with the institutional system as well as the more complex economic-political society. Furthermore, Yang uses the comic book as the main genre, for that he regards comics as an individualistic pursuit that is intimate and reflective (Youtube). He also adopts sub-genres of sup erhero fiction and coming-of-age story in the novel to incorporate two different styles of stories that interrelate to each other. Three characters are portrayed by Yang in each story. All of them similarly feel the age to become Americanized with the expense of their original identity. The central characters include the Monkey King, who represents a superhero from the famous Chinese tale and Jin, who transforms himself into a typical white guy Danny to assimilate into American society. Yangs technique to adapt the old tale of Monkey King with some Catholic Elements proves that he successfully attracts not only Chinese American immigrants but also the audience from the dominant white culture. In addition, his own experience is reflected through the coming-of-age story, which persuades the wide range of audience of the novels credibility under the backdrop. In light of these methods, he inspires audience from various minority groups to discover and respect their cultural heritage. Stereotyped behaviors of Chin-Kee and Jin are depicted in the novel to present the distorted minority youth culture. Such students constantly face the hardships to accommodate and acculturate into American society. In anthropological terms, incommensurability refers to the fact that there are certain aspects of one culture that are hard for people from another culture to comprehend. According to American Born Chinese, Yang exaggerates scenes where Chin-Kee and Jin are constantly teased or excluded for the stereotyped behaviors by their white counterparts at school in order to reflect the incommensurable groups from the dominant culture. For instance, all the white students around Chin-Kee widely discuss about the fact that he eats crispy fried cat gizzards with noodle. Furthermore, the little white boy looks down upon Jin, who is introduced by the teacher on the first day of class. His expression very serious and disdainful, the boy insists that, My momma says Chinese people eat dogs . Yang goes on further to make the teacher respond that she thinks Jins family probably abandoned their old habit because they are eager to become like Americans (American Born Chinese).This two scenes indicates that the white students are unconsciously distinguishing between what we eat and what he eats. They fail to understand that this type of food, which they critically comment on, should not contribute to the reason why they regard their culture as more superior. As I have observed, Germans are frenzied about roasted pork feet. Also, Americans eat spam, a type of canned pork regularly. However, people from Islamic culture developed their eating habits that regard pork as dirty and inedible. Thus, the selection of food by people from different cultural backgrounds is idiosyncratic, and it should not be disrespected by anyone, for that otherwise the person automatically denies a part of his or her own culture. In the second scene, Yang intends to emphasize that educators should c ircumvent inequality and stereotypes while using their cultural power to teach students knowledge and the political structure. He arouses the audiences sympathy by presenting the critical stereotypes that the little boy Jin, who barely started his first day at an elementary school, has to experience. Jin not only encountered biased opinions from the teacher, but also the fellow classmates who spread rumors about his unusual relationship with a Japanese girl, Suzy Nakamura. At this point, the fact that white students concluded that Jin would marry Suzy once again implicates the students inability to notice that there are remarkable distinction between Chinese and Japanese culture although they both share the same Asian root. To a larger extent, the dominant groups falsely regard themselves as the mainstream culture and marked off a line between white society and the rest of others. This belief results in a subtraction process of minority youth culture that causes them to question the value of their original culture. Yang depicts the stereotyped opinions of Jins teachers and classmates to infer how academic environment influences Asian American immigrants like Jin to build their cultural identity. They need to constantly struggle between their original Asian blood and new Asian American citizenship. Also, through creating stereotypes from different angles of students and teachers toward Jin and Chin-Kee, Yang is able to persuade the audience that culture is a process that maintains the larger stratified system in American society. For instance, Jin assumes that he is not accepted by the dominant culture because of his racial identity. As a result of the cultural tension, he goes so far in the story as to transform himself into a white guy, Danny. Ironically, he ends up at a Chinese cafà © drinking Boba tea with Wei-Chen, the monkey, in a similar vein, who symbolically transforms into a human being. Jin abandons the American identity that he dreamed about. In this circumstance, the academic envir onment forced Jin to fight against his Chinese background to assimilate into the American society where white people rule the dominant culture. Yang deliberately set up the ending in which Jin ultimately recognizes that he should learn to appreciate his part of Chinese origin. This allows the minority immigrants under the similar context to understand that each culture encompasses unique practices and knowledge. The incommensurability is the product of students engagement in school activates. As a result, Yang shows how interactions among individuals empower the meaning of culture. He intends to emphasize that educators are responsible to inform the significance of culture and clarify the power structures beyond academic competence. Yang enhances the effect of Asian American stereotypes by applying rhetorical skills such as provocative language and ironic caricatures. Readers and Yang himself consider the language in American Born Chinese as unnecessarily crass (Yang, Kartika Review). Yang utilizes this style of language to transfer the idea that biased interrelationship of different cultures is unhealthy and uncivilized in a similar token. Furthermore, the categorized power structure influences younger generation to shape their notions toward a diversity of experience at school. For instance, Timmy, the white boy from Jins elementary school refers to Jin as bucktooth without any hesitation. He does not care what harm he causes Jin. On the other hand, Timmy changes his tone when he calls the other white friend Pansy Boy to a whisper due to his serious demand. Yangs use of transitional language here reflects Timmys perception of his position in the society. He visions white culture as more powerful and privileged , so that he verbally bullying the inferior races and compromise with the kid from his superior group. Lastly, Yang draws caricatures in the novel to symbolically refer to the exaggerated stereotypes that are placed on Asian American immigrants. For instance, Chin-Kee wears outdated clothing and has a physical appearance that looks like underdeveloped human beings. Also, Chin-Kee never changes his outfit throughout the novel and has long hair that only past ancestors do in China. Thus, through combining the Asian American stereotypes throughout the book with rhetorical devices such as language and caricatures, Yang successfully delivers the message that culture is not inherited but instead a process that is learned and shaped by power structures in the society through educational means. It is also described in the article Culture as Disability, written by McDermott and Varenne, that culture reveals not broken person but identifications neatly tuned to the workings of institutions serving political and economic ends. Yang intends to persuade educators that they should start to notice that it is their responsibility to respect each cultural practice and value. Although racial discrimination is hard to extinguish in the society, it is possible to educate young generation to appreciate their cultural heritage while assimilating into the American society. Most importantly, instructors should clarify the opportunity structure under the socio-economic context and ne atly tuned to explain the process of cultural construction. In this fashion, young generation may obtain different perspectives from It is because we are minority groups to We can make a difference because we are no different than people from the dominant culture. Electrical Stimulus in a Frog Muscle: Experiment Electrical Stimulus in a Frog Muscle: Experiment Frogs are keystone species, an essential organism to aquatic ecosystems. They have both terrestrial and aquatic niches as predators and prey and serve as indicator species to assess the response of ecosystems to environmental change. To execute daily locomotion patterns, frogs use skeletal muscles. We wanted to determine the relationship between the strength of the stimulus and the response of the muscle. We also wanted to measure the amplitude of contraction produced in a muscle that is stimulated with repeated pulses delivered at progressively higher frequencies. We hypothesized that increasing stimulus voltage in the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog will result in an increase in stimulation amplitude and that an increase in stimulation frequency at a constant voltage will result in an increase in force generated by the muscle up until a point where it plateaus. We found that our hypotheses were supported and that muscle regulation was via temporal and spatial recruitment. This study is important because it serves as a model for understanding skeletal muscle mechanisms in other organisms including humans. Frogs are widely distributed terrestrial amphibians that inhabit upland and wetland regions, found on all continents of the world except Antarctica. Many frog species, in both larval and adult stages serve as important prey for larger predators including fish, raccoons, snakes and birds of prey (Chalcraft and Resetarits 2003; Auniola and Kauhala 2001). Additionally frogs serve an important role as indicators of environmental stress (King 2010). A review of complex systems in temporary ponds by Wilbur (1997) makes the argument that frogs have two distinct niches, one terrestrial and one aquatic. Wilbur states all frogs with free-living larvae change at metamorphosis from aquatic omnivorous tadpoles to amphibious carnivorous adults. The role of such connections among food webs is a fruitful area for both theoretical and empirical research because the foraging of animals across ectones may be an important biological mechanism linking elements of the mosaics of habitats that form landsca pes. One trait frogs are most known for is locomotion. Frogs typically display two type of locomotion: jumping and swimming. Though frogs are traditionally presented as jump specialists most species also swim (Navas et al. 1999). Frogs exhibit these locomotive behaviors for a variety of reasons including escaping predators, often times by a short set of quick and powerful jumps (Carvalho, Gomes and Navas 2007). Frog locomotion is dependent on muscles, particularly skeletal muscles, which are muscles connected to the skeleton (Marsh and Olson 1998). Skeletal muscles are organized beginning with units called sarcomeres. A sarcomere consists of two opposing vertical Z-line discs each with actin filaments attached. A myosin filament floats between each horizontal actin section. Sarcomeres are connected to each other by Z-lines. One mechanism of muscle contraction begins with the sliding of the actin and myosin filaments. Parts of the myosin, known as myosin heads, bind to the free end of the actin, the end not attached to the Z-line, and pull it one way toward the center of the mysosin, in an accordian-like mechanism. The muscle shortens or contracts because the sarcomeres shorten. The process by which the myosin binds to the actin is called the Cross-Bridge cycle. The binding of the myosin to actin is the trigger for the myosin head to tilt and release an ADP and a P as well as a powerstroke. ATP binds to the myosin head and the myosin releases the actin, in a softening effect. The ATP is hydrolyzed and delivers energy to moved the mysosin head back and it is ready for the next powerstroke. The sarcomeres move closer together by many of these powerstrokes occurring one after the other. In the Cross-Bridge cycle myosin is normally prevented from binding to the actin. Another protein called tropomyosin, which is wrapped around the actin, is in the way to block the actin-myosin binding site. Another protein, troponin, is attached to the tropomyosin and when triggered, moves the troponin away to allow the binding to occur. But what triggers the tropomyosin to move the troponin? The simple answer is calcium and this occurs in a process called excitation-contraction coupling. In excitation-contraction coupling an action potential or electrical stimulus, runs down a T-tubule in the muscle fiber. The stimulus reaches a ryanodyne receptor which opens ion channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, a storage space for calcium in the muscle fibers. Once the ion channels are opened, calcium runs out into the cell. For the muscle to relax or return to its original resting position, calcium must be moved back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum by a SERCA pump. Because calcium is being moved against a concentration gradient, this relaxation requires ATP. The SERCA pump lowers calcium levels in the cytosol or cell and when the calcium is taken up again the muscle relaxes. Since muscles are not contracting all the time muscle contraction must be regulated. Regulating the muscles allows frogs to change aspects of locomotive behavior, such as how far a frog is able to jump. Muscle contraction force can be regulated by calcium in three mechanisms: temporal recruitment, in which the firing rate at which individual motor neurons fire is changed; spatial recruitment, in which the number of active motor units is changed; and the length-tension relationship, in which the sarcomere length is changed to generate tension. This study focuses on the force of muscle contraction via temporal and spatial recruitment. In temporal recruitment, the frequency of the action potential is changed, usually increased, so that more calcium is released into the muscle cell. More calcium in the cell results in more tension generated. Another mechanism for the regulation of muscle contraction force is motor unit recruitment, also known as spatial recruitment. A motor unit is comprised of muscle fibers and a motor neuron. There are different amounts of fibers per motor unit. In spatial recruitment the number of active motor units is increased to increase the strength of muscle contraction. More motor units means that more muscle fibers can be stimulated. If only half of the muscle fibers are stimulated, only half the amount of force will be generated. If all of the muscle fibers are stimulated, the maximum amount of force will be generated. We hypothesized that if we increase voltage of an electrical stimulus in a frog muscle we will see an increase in stimulation amplitude and if we increase stimulation frequency at a constant voltage, we will see an increase in force generated by the muscle up until a point where it plateaus. Materials Methods: We used the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog in two experiments. In the first experiment we used a single stimulus, changing the voltage of the stimulus from 0 volts to 2.0 volts. The force of the muscle was recorded. In the second experiment we stimulated the muscle in series of ten using a constant voltage identified in the first experiment. The frequency of the stimuli was progressively increased starting at 0.5 and ending at 30 Hz. Results: Our results showed that as the stimulus increases the amplitude of the muscle twitches increases up until a point where it plateaus. Our results also showed that as the stimulation frequency increases the passive tension of the muscle increase up until a point where it plateaus. Figure 1 shows a normalized graph for the effects of increasing stimulus on the amplitude of muscle twitches in the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog. The x-axis is the recorded stimulus in volts and the y-axis is the amplitude of the twitches (displayed as a percentage of the maximum). The graph shows that as the stimulus increases the amplitude of the muscle twitches increases up until a point where it plateaus. Table 1 shows a set of group data from the first experiment, in which amplitude and times of muscle twitches were generated by stimulus pulses of different amplitudes. As in Figure 1, Table 1 shows that as the stimulus increases the amplitude of the muscle twitches increases up until a point where it plateaus. The contraction time and latency period remains largely unchanged with changing stimulus amplitude. Figure 2 shows a normalized graph for the effects of increasing stimulation frequency on the passive tension in the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog. The x-axis is the stimulus frequency in hertz and the y-axis is the passive tension in the muscle (displayed as a percentage of the maximum). The graph shows that as the stimulation frequency increases the passive tension of the muscle increase up until a point where it plateaus. Table 2 shows a set of group data from the second experiment, in which the strength of muscle contraction was examined during mechanical summation and tetanus. As in Figure 2, Table 2 shows that as the stimulus increases the amplitude of the muscle twitches increases up until a point where it plateaus. The amplitude of the first twitch remains largely unchanged with changing stimulus amplitude. Discussion: The data shows that the direct electrical stimulation produces contraction of the muscle via motor units. A little bit of force is generated when a few of these motor units are being used and a lot of force is generated when lots of motor units are being used. The muscle does not respond to the low stimulus voltages because the electrical stimulus is not directly touching the muscle, it is touching the surrounding connective tissue. The low stimulus voltages are not strong enough to penetrate the tissue. As noted in Figure 1 and Table 1 the amplitude of the muscle response increases with increasing stimulus voltages. This is so because more and more of the muscle mass is stimulated as the voltages increase. At high stimulus voltages, the muscle response reaches maximum amplitude. The muscle response does not continue to increase with increasing stimulus voltages because the muscle is already functioning at the best of its ability. The muscle cells have reached the point where all the troponins are activated by calcium. Releasing more calcium into the cell will not result in any more tension generated, as the system is already working at its maximum capacity. Latency is the interval between stimulus and a response to the stimulus, here meaning muscle contraction. Over this period, the action potential sweeps across the cell membrane of the muscle cell and the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium ions. The muscle fiber does not produce tension during the latent period, because the contraction cycle has yet to begin. The latency period in this study was constant at 0.025 seconds.This result been found by anyone else and it seems does not vary among other species, since it is roughly the same for humans (Hamilton and Osborn 1977). Since contraction amplitude is dependent upon the increases in concentration and persistence of intracellular calcium, the question of why the contraction amplitudes of single twitches are the same is raised. This can be explained because the same amount of calcium is being put in for the same repeated event. As noted in Table 2, the amplitude of the first twitch seems to be constant (value). This can be explained because the muscle is utilizing the same amount of calcium and is thus generating the same amount of force. Tetanus is the complete contraction of a muscle. Tetanus requires high stimulus frequencies. This tells us that the calcium re-uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum is slower than the original release. The rate of muscle relaxation is much slower after tetanus than after a single twitch because more calcium needs to be re-taken up and it takes longer to get all the extra added calcium back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. A study on jumping bullfrogs by Marsh and Roberts reveals two points of interest: first, frogs jump farther than they should, considering only the force their muscles are able to generate. Second, muscles are able to do the most work when they contract slowly, however frog jumping involves a very rapid movement. They explain that by separating the performance of muscular work from the application of mechanical work to the body, a catapult-like mechanism, which works by loading elastic elements into the limbs prior to initiating a jump, overcomes the constraints of skeletal muscle function (Marsh and Roberts 2003). Another study by Aerts and Nauwelaerts (2006) indicates that by taking more small jumps as opposed to fewer larger jumps, frogs can increase their flexibility in movement because they would be able to change direction during the forward movement part jumping. Theoretically this means they would spend less time in the same spot during landing and recovery of the jumping cycle, which makes them more likely to be snatched by a predator. Frogs have physiological mechanisms that have enabled their muscles to generate enough force for jumping and swimming locomotion including changing the frequency of the action potential and increasing the number of active motor units. As mentioned before, frogs are a keystone species, meaning other organisms rely on it and not always directly in a predator-prey relationship. Without frogs, food webs would collapse and lead to the demise of many other species and potentially entire ecosystems. This study is important because it serves as a model for understanding skeletal muscle mechanisms in other organisms including humans.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality
|SOUTHERN CROSS UNIVERSITY | ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET For use with online submission of assignments Please complete all of the following details and then make this sheet the first page of each file of your assignment – do not send it as a separate document. Your assignments must be submitted as either Word documents (with . oc extension, NOT. docx), text documents with . rtf extension or as . pdf documents. If you wish tosubmit in any other file format please discuss this with your lecturer well before theassignment submission date. |Student Name: |Kalendarev Mikhail | |Student ID No. |22025713 | |Unit Name: |Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality | |Unit Code: |MNG00427 | |Tutor’s name: |Goh Chye Yeow Terence | |Assignment No. |2 | |Assignment Title: |Opportunity analysis report | |Due date: |December 14, 2012 | |Date submitted: |December 13, 2012 | Declaration: I have read and understand the Rules relating to Awards (Rule 3. 17) as contained in the University Handbook.I understand the penalties that apply for plagiarism and agree to be bound by these rules. The work I am submitting electronically is entirely my own work. |Signed: |Kalendarev Mikhail | |(please type your | | |name) | | |Date: |13/12/12 | Table of contents Executive Summary3 1. 0Introduction4 . 0 Idea and Competition4 2. 1 Description of the venture & Service provision4 2. 3 Why it is innovative4 2. 4 Location5 2. 5 Number of rooms and itsprices6 2. 5. 1 Price determinants7 2. 6 Competition8 2. 7 SWOT analysis9 3. 0 Target Market and reasons for its selection11 3. 1 Industry Analysis12 3. 1. 1 Demand outlook – bargaining power of buyers12 3. 1. 2 Supply outlook – bargaining power of suppliers13 3. 1. 3 Barriers to Entry13 3. 1. 4 Substitutes14 3. 2 Market Size & Trends14 3. 3 Estimated Market Value17 3. 4 Estimated Sales Forecasts for 3 Years17 . 0 Assessing my entrepreneurial capabilities17 4. 1 Team Experience18 4. 2 HR Plan18 5. 0 Equipment needs20 7. 0 Conclusion22 REFERENCE LIST23 Executive Summary This opportunity analysis report is aimed at assessing the feasibility of new hotel project with its main location in Denmark. It covers four major sections. The first section describes the project idea including why it is innovative and identifies the competitors for the idea. The innovatory idea is to build eco-friendly hotel with variety of sustainable solutions integrated in it.The main foundation for the price is value-based pricing policy with the main reason to capture green consumers’ value through environmentally-friendly hotel solutions. The criteria for analysing our competitors include close location to the airport as well as hotel star-rating. This section ends by identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for our new hotel venture. The second section assesses the market for the idea by recognizing the target market and performing industry and market analysis.The target market is sub-divided i nto three different segments which are mature markets (B2C), growth markets (B2C & B2B) and green consumers. It contains more detailed explanation why these segments were chosen. To perform an industry and market analysis, several research methods were used amongst which are primary and secondary methods. It is the third section that gives a basis for human resource activities and evaluates the team members. This section explores on myself as an entrepreneur and provides HR plan with an assessment of experience, award categories and pay rates assigned to each team member.Finally, the last section produces initial set-up costs required for new venture creation. It includes equipment needs for equipping 50 hotels’ rooms and specifies timeframe for the purchase of all items. First year’s profit and loss table is also presented in this section. Introduction The paper presents opportunity analysis report for a new hospitality venture. The main purpose of this report is to d efine the extent to which this project is feasible. Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel is going to be a new innovative hotel located in Denmark which will have clearly identified goal to target green consumers.The new hotel will have a set of innovatory eco-friendly solutions which will benefit green consumers who care about the environment. 2. 0 Idea and Competition 2. 1 Description of the venture & Service provision The idea of the project is to open a new innovatory 4-star hotel which is going to be environmentally-friendly. It will be specially designed and constructed for travelers who care about the environment (green consumers) and wish to experience extraordinary business trip or city break. The hotel will be named Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel.The hotel’s central location is planned to be at a new district Oresundsmotorvejen of Copenhagen city (Denmark) which will allow it to focus on the smallest details by providing a blend of Scandin avian comfort, sustainability and quality. Besides its sustainability efforts both for mankind and environment, Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel will be generally known as the first hotel that will deliver exceptional service experience for green travelers. This would be illustrated in terms of the international standards provided within the hotel which is rare in the area where the hotel is built. . 3 Why it is innovative Our plans include to receive several awards amongst which is Ecotourism award and to be the first Danish hotel in the category of the World’s Greenest Hotel. The hotel should stand out for its remarkable interior and architecture which will be a unique blend of classical Scandinavian design and Paustian modern design. In addition, the hotel building will be integrated with eco-friendly solutions and as to our plan our hotel building should become the first CO-2 neural in Denmark.To achieve these, we will be implementing variety of green place ment strategies and will be participating at annual National Awards to be recognized by green consumers. By signing the contract with UN Global Compact, Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel will evidence that the hotel aims at more than just quality and comfort. Its uniqueness will be addressed in hotel’s innovations and wealth of green technology solutions which will be showcased from the hotel’s exterior up to the room’s shampoo bottle. Likewise, the hotel’s facade will be integrated with the largest solar park in North Europe.With the use of innovatory groundwater-based cooling and heating system, Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel will be the first Danish hotel to decrease energy consumption by nearly 90 per cent. Consequently, hotel will be sustaining healthy and safe environment within the venue and its rooms. In addition, the application of the variety of sustainable actions will result in diminishing CO2-emissions and will differentiate the hotel from its competition. All abovementioned could be achieved from the efficient use of organic food in the hotel’s Scandinavian restaurant as well as electricity conservation in the hotel hallways. 2. Location The location of Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel will be between Copenhagen airport and city centre which is very convenient. The main reason is because choosing this location will allow visitors to reach the hotel in few minute drives. Also, since airport is close to hotel, free shuttle bus service will give travellers opportunity to come to hotel directly from the airport. Another distinctive advantage why this property was chosen is because metro station will be very close to Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel which will ease tourist’s journey in exploring different attractions within Copenhagen city.By and large, Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel will be a great choice for business people, leisur e tourists and green consumers in Copenhagen. The picture 1 below shows the estimated location of Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel which is close to Copenhagen Airport and city centre. The street name is Oresundsmotorvejen which is a new district. [pic]Picture 1. Source: Google Maps, 2012 2. 5 Number of rooms and itsprices The hotel will have 50 rooms in total. There will be 30 standard rooms, 10 deluxe rooms and 10 family rooms. Our main pricing policy would be value-based pricing.The key attributes which differentiate the product involve quality, physical attributes, style, brand and service (Pricing for Profit, 2012). Our green consumers who care about the environment will appreciate the fact of paying higher prices for the innovations and environmentally-friendly solutions integrated into our hotel. Hence, it is smart to set value-based pricing instead of cost-based pricing to capture that value. As Figure 1 shows, Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel w ill be providing the following prices for their rooms listed below: Room Type |Rate (US$) | |STANDARD ROOM |$ 359. 97 | |DELUXE ROOM |$ 359. 40 | |FAMILY ROOM |$ 325. 09 | Figure 1 The weekend rates will be higher than week days. There would be no booking fees. We will be offering one free night if our rooms are offered for cheaper prices elsewhere.In addition, if the traveler changes his/her plans, hotel will allow a change or cancellation of the reservation with no worries. 2. 5. 1 Price determinants Friedhelm Tringas (2012) suggests that in case the demand or occupancy rate increases while supply of hotel rooms decreases, the hotel must charge higher prices for its rooms. It is vital for hotel to cover its operational expenses. Therefore, it is not a good practice to sell all rooms at the same rate since it rarely produces good occupancy and average rates (Friedhelm Tringas, 2012).The key rate determinants for our hotel are identified as follows: – Locat ion – Demand – Competition – Hotel rating Aforementioned determinants set up the basis for rate scales and determine revenue management parameters (Friedhelm Tringas, 2012). Additionally, it is the customer who is willing to pay certain rate for hotel room and, therefore, customer willingness influences pricing decisions of the hotel (Hotel Traffic Builders, 2010). Accordingly, Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel will base their pricing decision considering the following aspects: Innovative solutions such as Solar Panel Park, groundwater-based heating and cooling system and first carbon-neutral hotel building in Denmark will allow hotel to set higher prices for its products and services †¢ State-of-the-art interior and comfortable location which is close to airport and city centre are great advantages that distinguish our hotel †¢ Statistics suggest that there is an increasing demand for city break tourism in Copenhagen with an annual av erage growth in bed nights between Years 2006-2010 being 7% (VisitDenmark, 2012).Hence, higher demand in city break tourism sector gives Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel an opportunity to increase our prices within this sector. 2. 6 Competition [pic] Figure 2 Above Figure 2 presents the main direct competitors of Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel. The reasons why these hotels are our future competitors are 1) because of their close location to the airport – it’s on average 5-10 minutes’ drive away; 2) these hotels are 3-4 star hotels. ? Competition in capacity. Hotel capacity has been significantly increasing in Copenhagen since 2009.The figure increased by up to 30% (VisitDenmark, 2012). The capacity increase will result in many challenges for Copenhagen city, but still it will be beneficial for travelers since hotels will provide better services for cheaper prices. Compared to Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel which c apacity will be equal to 50 rooms, Palace Hotel Copenhagen has a preponderant capacity with the number of rooms which is more than double– 162 bedrooms (VenueFinder, 2009). This gives Palace Hotel Copenhagen a competitive advantage to gain larger market share. ? Price comparison [pic] Figure 3 Source: Booking. com, 2012The price comparison is implemented in five different hotels with 2 room types. As the Figure 3 shows, the strength is showcased by Bella Sky Comwell Hotel Copenhagen and Park Inn by Raddison Copenhagen Airport in terms of the lowest rates for their standard rooms. The prices are similar between Quality Airport Hotel Dan and Palace Hotel Copenhagen with the prices being $202. 75 and $233. 38 per night respectively. It’s important to note that our Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel will be charging the highest prices at initial stages of start-up to cover its expenses and perform market-skimming pricing strategy.In family room type, the main competitor of Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel will be Quality Airport Hotel Dan. The smallest rates within both room types are supplied by Bella Sky Comwell Hotel Copenhagen. While identical room facilities, room sizes and almost the same prices are offered by all hotels, Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel will be positioning itself as a luxury hotel with a set of innovative and creative solutions which will allow hotel to set much higher prices for its rooms. Its main aim will be not to beat the lowest prices, but charge as higher prices as possible. . 7 SWOT analysis Figure 4 ? Strengths Location – One of the most distinctive advantages of Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel is its location which is at a walking distance to city center and metro stations. Internationalized service standards – I find that enhancing service experience at international service levels along with the friendly and polite staff will be greatly apprec iated among our upcoming customers. In addition, such service experience will be new to our area. Clean & Spacious rooms – we will sustain cleanliness and comfort within all hotel rooms.Our eco-friendly solutions such as energy consumption, diminishing CO2-emissions and electricity conservation will bring pleasant experience to green consumers. ? Weaknesses High prices –Many expenses would be incurred at start-up stage such as building the hotel, integrating innovations, hiring and training employees and outsourcing other departments. Since it all will affect our cost of rooms, we will have to initially charge higher rates for our rooms to cover basic operational expenses and to gain some market share. This is the main weakness of our hotel.Small room type selection –Offering limited choice of room types while our competitors have variety of choices can be another weakness of our hotel. ? Opportunities New 10-floor housing building which is BIG’s project has been recently constructed in Copenhagen (Archinnovations, 2010). It has 8 houses for mixed use within this building. It’s a great opportunity to catch the flow of customers since this new housing building is located close to our hotel. Another opportunity will be expanding the number of hotel chains and gaining larger market shares within Danish hotel industry.However, additional financing will be required for expansion purposes. ? Threats The major threat for our hotel is to get proper financing from the bank. This means that our hotel project and its innovations should be first approved by the local government and then credited by financial institutions. In addition, being a new establishment, our competitors will be eager to beat us by introducing lower prices and starting price war. It means that there is a threat for our hotel in terms of harsh competition and we have to be more alert in order survive in such conditions. 3. Target Market and reasons for its selection Our primary targets would be 3 different markets: 1) Mature markets (B2C) – demographically, these are women with their age ranging from 35 to 55 years old. It also includes families with their main interests being shopping, eating and drinking, good atmosphere and different events. Geographically, this market segment comes from Southern Sweden and Norway which is very close to Copenhagen (VisitDenmark, 2012). The main reasons to appeal to this segment include high degree of awareness of Copenhagen and ease of accessibility (proximity).In addition, as the study suggests that this segment’s motivations for travelling include visiting hotels and restaurants, enjoying the atmosphere, visiting different attractions, exhibitions and museums such as Tivoli and Louisiana (VisitDenmark, 2012). 2) Growth markets (B2C & B2B) – here we would be targeting at high spenders (high income travelers) as well as women aged 35-55. The primary target group for B2B market would be Russia. The other geographical segments that we would be targeting at include UK, Germany, Holland, France, Spain and Italy.While this segment’s interests are similar to mature market segment, women also tend to be more interested in local lifestyle and architecture and design (VisitDenmark, 2012). One of the main reasons to target this segment is because people within this segment have very limited knowledge of Copenhagen city and our main aim would be to attract those people to our city as well as make them stay at our unique hotel. Moreover, it would be a great opportunity for our new hotel to showcase its innovative hotel building interior and exterior since this target market is inspired about architecture and design (VisitDenmark, 2012). 3) Green consumers.While it would be challenging for our new hotel, we would still be implementing â€Å"green placement strategies†to target green consumers. While guests are not always predictable, industry research showed tha t many guests had given a preference to the hotels caring about the environment (Environmental Leader, 2012). Since our hotel is going to be environmentally-friendly, we would appeal to green consumers as one of our primary target market. The reasons why green consumers choose to stay at environmentally-friendly hotel are because they are highly concerned about others and work towards the good of society (Environmental Leader, 2012). . 1 Industry Analysis While there was a slowdown in Copenhagen hotel market demand in 2008-2009, Sadolin&Alb? k (2010) predicts that the market would recover and is expected to be going upwards from the year 2010, although at a slower pace. This view was supported by DTZ Research (2011). Particularly, for the fifteen-year period, Sadolin&Alb? k (2010) witnessed just one year in which city hotel demand was facing negative growth. This was the end of 2008. Still, Sadolin&Alb? k (2010) believes this segment â€Å"to be an expanding segment longer termâ₠¬ . 3. 1. Demand outlook – bargaining power of buyers 35% of total market demand with total revenue of $794. 4 million is accounted on domestic demand which Copenhagen hotel market heavily relies upon (Sadolin&Alb? k, 2010). Such macroeconomic trends as GDp and consumer spending are highly interlinked with domestic demand. As a result, we should keep those trends in mind when analysing the hotel market outlook. The demand of Scandinavian market in Copenhagen hotel demand accumulates to 17%. In 2009, Norway became the largest demand generator for Copenhagen exceeding Sweden (Sadolin&Alb? , 2010). From 2010 onwards, it is expected that Norwegian hotel demand would remain at high level. On the contrary, 17% collapse in demand growth was encountered by Swedish demand which formerly scored the highest ranking for Copenhagen hotel market. Study suggests that â€Å"the economic outlook for Sweden resembles the outlook for Denmark†(Sadolin&Alb? k, 2010). However, the holiday s and business trips to Denmark are becoming expensive for Swedes because Danish krone and euro are much stronger than Swedish krona. Accordingly, Sadolin&Alb? (2010) believes that while there was a small demand decrease in Swedish segment in 2010, it will definitely recover starting from 2011 (Sadolin&Alb? k, 2010). In their market research, Sadolin&Alb? k (2010) forecasts that the annual growth of bed nights would be around 5% in years 2011-2014. Also, research predicts that domestic demand would be at around 37% of total demand. 3. 1. 2 Supply outlook – bargaining power of suppliers With three new hotels opened in 2009 and one new four-star hotel opened by Arp-Hansen Hotel Group named Tivoli Hotel (400 rooms), there would be 12% increase in the city hotel market supply (Sadolin&Alb? , 2010). Since there is slow upturn in demand, this would be â€Å"unprecedented annual increase in supply†and would cause challenging years for Copenhagen hotel market. Also, with the construction of new four-star hotel named Bella Center Hotel in 2011, the hotel will become the largest hotel in Copenhagen with total number of 814 rooms and 23-floor towers (Nordic Hotel Consulting, n. a. ). With these projects accomplished, the hotel market projection is that there would be 200-room increase each other year which is acceptable to consider.As reported by Statistics Denmark (2010), Copenhagen hotel market consists of 81 hotels and capacity is 12,500 rooms in total. Arp-Hansen and Scandic Hotels, with their smaller properties progressed under Choice brands, are the largest operators in this segment. 3. 1. 3 Barriers to Entry 1) High investment on start-up One of the most challenging barriers for entering the Danish hotel industry is high investment at initial stages of start-up. In addition, since our new hotel is going to be innovative, there would be many expenses and risks involved.With the use of secondary research, it was identified that Copenhagen hotel market has very few properties on management contracts. Instead, it is a lease driven market (Nordic Hotel Consulting, n. a. ). Because of the slowdown in Copenhagen hotel industry in 2008-2009, the significant number of investors wishing to invest into fixed leases was reduced (Nordic Hotel Consulting, n. a. ). Therefore, it can be concluded that high investment with no support from investors makes the opportunity to enter hotel industry in this area very challenging. 2) Brand identificationAs was previously mentioned, there are already established competitors (such as Park Inn by Raddison Copenhagen, Palace Hotel Copenhagen and others) on the market who possess customer loyalty and brand identification. Therefore, it would be troublesome for our Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel to enter Copenhagen hotel market where we would need to spend time, money and efforts in order to differentiate our hotel products and get customer loyalty. 3. 1. 4 Substitutes In the hotel industr y, there could be other hotels just behind our corner.Compared to our new hotel, these substitute hotels can be similar in terms of pricing ranges and amenities offered. However, our main efforts, besides quality product and amenities, would be directed towards service excellence and innovatory eco-friendly solutions. Hence, it will be very difficult for the substitute hotels to compete with us in terms of social eco-friendly responsibility. Fair enough that because of the environmentally-friendly solutions and excellent service in our hotel, the value-price ratio between our hotel and competitor’s should be relatively distinct. 3. 2 Market Size & TrendsSince our hotel’s target markets are mainly foreigners, the following information and statistics are presented based on tourists arriving to Denmark. As to the number of tourists coming to Denmark in 2012, the number accounts to 358,858 people (Statistics Denmark, 2012). Figure 5 below illustrates the number of people o ut of total tourists who fit the profile of one of our target market – those from Norway and Sweden. Tourists from Sweden account for 2,748 people in three age categories which are 30-39 years, 40-49 years and 50-59 years. In per cent, it is 0. 76% target market out of 358,858 total numbers of tourists.As for Norwegian tourists, the number of tourists scores 3,218 people or approximately 0. 9% of target market. As we can see, tourists from Norway outweigh those from Sweden for 0. 14%. [pic] Figure 5. Source: Statistics Denmark (2012) [pic] Figure 6. Source: Statistics Denmark (2012) The above Figure 6 presents the statistical data on another target segment of our future hotel with countries like France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, UK, Germany and main B2B market Russia. The age groups are 30-39 years, 40-49 years and 50-59 years and the figures are in thousands of people.As the chart shows, visitors from Germany set the highest ranking which is total 4,861 people for all age g roups or 1. 35% based on 358,858 total numbers of tourists. The second largest tourist generating region is UK from where 0. 54% (or 1,951) of tourists are coming. Similarly, the Russian tourists account for 0. 52% which is also our target market. The travellers from Spain and Italy represent almost the same smallest figures in target market, 0. 20% and 0. 18% respectively. Additional target markets include France and Netherlands. Tourists from Netherlands amount to 0. 1%, while those from France generate 0. 23% of target market. Total % in target market is arrived by addition of all numbers in each segment which equals to 4. 99% for the year 2012. In order to determine the hotel market trend (upward or downward) in Denmark, below is the forecast for 3 upcoming years. To derive appropriate estimated numbers, we initially have to look at previous years records. According to Statistics Denmark (2012), the number of tourists from 2010 to 2011 increased by 16,106 persons or 4. 8% (from 329,940 in 2010 to 346,046 in 2011).The same upward trend appeared between 2011 and 2012 with an increase of 12,812 travellers or 3. 7%. So the average increase number for the period from 2010 to 2012 is 4. 25%. While the total number of tourists was growing, the percentage of target market in period from 2010 to 2012 was gradually decreasing. In 2010, the total target market accounted for 5. 23% while the figure felt down to 5. 08% in 2011. As was previously stated, the percentage in target market was 4. 99% for year 2012. Accordingly, the average decrease in target market between 2010 and 2012 was -0. 12%.As a result, the following forecast numbers (Figure 7) for years 2013, 2014 and 2015 will be predicted based on past years records. | |Y. 2013 |Y. 2014 |Y. 2015 | |Tourists: | | | | |Total no. of tourists |374,109 |390,008 |406,583 | |% in target market |4. 7% |4. 75% |4. 63% | |Total market size (in number of tourists) |18,219 |18,525 |18,825 | Figure 7 Based on the forecasts above for the chosen target markets, we can declare that while the total number of tourists is growing, the percentage in target market for each substantial year is decreasing. 3. 3 Estimated Market Value The Figure 8 below shows the estimated hotel market value in selected target market. The average length of stay of international visitors to Denmark is determined as 4. 535 in 2013.This figure is arrived by surveying the average length of stay in 2011 which is 4. 42 nights and it is 4. 65 nights in 2010 (Bastis, 2011). Average hotel expenditure in Denmark per day is 58. 25 Euro per day (Carl Marcussen, 2008). It is equivalent of $75. 6 (Oanda, 2012). Hence, using the data above the market value is estimated. | |Y. 2013 |Y. 2014 |Y. 2015 | |Tourists: | | | | |No. n target market |18,219 |18,525 |18,825 | |X average length of stay |4. 535 |4. 535 |4. 535 | |X average hotel expenditure per day |$75. 6 |$75. 6 |$75. 6 | |Total market value |$6,246,311 |$6,351,222 |$6,454,076 | Figur e 8 3. 4 Estimated Sales Forecasts for 3 Years |Y. 2013 |Y. 2014 |Y. 2015 | |Tourists: | | | | |Total market value |$6,246,311 |$6,351,222 |$6,454,076 | |Your % share |7% |8% |10% | |Your sales projections |$437,241. 7 |$508,097. 76 |$645,407. 6 | 4. 0 Assessing my entrepreneurial capabilities Being motivated by the need for achievement, I am constantly searching for difficult projects and like to achieve my dreams. As a result, I’ve chosen to open my own Kalendarev’s Skyscraper Copenhagen Hotel even though it is difficult project to accomplish with much creativity and innovations required. Having background experience in hotel industry (particularly Dedeman Silk Road Hotel where I worked), I got valuable knowledge and hands-on training from the leading experts in this field.Particularly, the departments I worked in included Sales & Marketing, Reservation, Banqueting & Conference, F&B and also Front Office. In addition, I have been managing my own business from my ea rly years which deals with beauty care products. These prove my entrepreneurial attitudes and aptitudes. I am very much confident that combination of my training in hotel industry as well as long-term background experience in my own business field will result in successful feasibility of my new project. . 1 Team Experience For the successful implementation of new project, each new venture has to adequately make use of its human resources. For our new team to be effective each member of the team should have a clear understanding of why the team exists. Also, there must be shared and meaningful purpose which will unify each team member. In case of our idea, our project is intended to launch new sustainable hotel with variety of eco-friendly innovations. 4. 2 HR PlanAccording to World Tourism Organization (cited in City-of-hotels. com, 2012), the reasonable number of staff required per each 10 rooms is 12 persons for 4-star hotel. Hence, since our hotel will have 50 rooms, the optimum number of staff required is 60 persons. These include: |Staff (no. of positions) |Experience |Award Categories |Pay Rates per month | |Executive assistant (1 |Interpersonal skills; |Leadership Award- for |$15,608. 0 | |position) |5+ year experience supporting at the |executing leadership | | | |executive level |practices in delivering | | | | |quality service | | |Personnel Manager (1 |Must have BA in business discipline with |Leadership Award- for |$9,371. 0 | |position) |minimum of 5 years overall experience |executing leadership | | | | |practices in delivering | | | | |quality service | | |Financial controller (1 |Must have worked in hotel industry and have |Innovation Award – for staff |$8,665. 0 | |position) |knowledge of standard costing and inventory |members who developed new | | | |controls. |innovative systems, | | | | |approaches or methods | | |Assistant Financial |Must be financially literate with 5+ years’ |Innovation Award – for staff |$8,422. 0 | |Controller |experience including inventory and product |members who developed new | | |(1 position) |costing experience |innovative systems, | | | | |approaches or methods | | |Accounts Clerks (4 |Experienced in high volume data entry and |Partnership Award- successful|$3,045. 0 per person | |positions) |accounts receivable with minimum 2 year |partnership with other team | | | |experience |members | | |Maintenance Manager |At least 5 years of experience in corporate |Safety Award – for a staff |$7,201. 0 | |(1 position) |facilities, including 2 years of supervisory |who demonstrates safety | | | |experience |practices | | |Maintenance Assistant (1 |Qualified individual with high school diploma|Safety Award – for a staff |$7,093. 00 | |position) |or GED required.Preferably, one year |who demonstrates safety | | | |experience of building and grounds |practices | | | |maintenance | | | |Maintenance Crew (7 |Preferably, 2 years technical degree |Partnership Award- succ essful|$1,762. 0 per person | |positions) | |partnership with other team | | | | |members | | |Director Sales & Marketing|Marketing experience plus graduated from |Leadership Award- for |$10,899. 00 | | |4-year college with Bachelor Degree. executing leadership | | |(1 position) |Proficient in technical sales proving the |practices in delivering | | | |annual growth with 5-10 years of experience. |quality service | | |Sales Co-Ordinator (2 |Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality, Marketing, |Outstanding Newcomer |$4,547. 00 per person | |position) |Business Management or equivalent.New |Award-for new comers | | | |graduates are welcomed |demonstrating good results in| | | | |the first 6 months of their | | | | |job | | |Sales & Marketing Manager |Five year experience in hospitality industry. Sales Manager of the Year |$8,648. 00 per person | |(5 positions) |Particularly, sales & marketing management |Award- for achieving | | | |experience is required |brilliant results in sales & | | | | |marketing | | |Reservation Clerk |Customer service experience for at least 2 |Customer Focus Award – |$5,662. 0 per person | |(3 positions) |years. High call volume experience plus multi|understanding and | | | |phone lines. |appreciating customer values | | |Rooms Division Manager |Must have worked as a front office manager |Improving Planning processes |$9,590. 00 | |(1 position) |for at least 2 years. College degree or |and practices Award –for | | | |equivalent is preferred. excellent planning and | | | | |implementation of relevant | | | | |practices at workplace | | |Rooms Division Assistants |Excellent interpersonal skills with at least |Work Performance Award – for |$4,848. 00 per person | |Manager (5 positions) |5 years prior experience in Rooms Management. an employee who works above | | | | |the average | | |Front Office Crew (5 |Previous experience is not mandatory. |Partnership Award- successful|$4,748. 00 per person | |positions) |Preferabl y, stable job history and some |partnership with other team | | | |customer service background. members | | |Executive Housekeeper (1 |Worked as Housekeeping Director or Manager |Performance and Quality |$6,179. 00 | |position) |with a minimum of 2-3 year experience in |Improvement Award | | | |hospitality field | | | |Housekeeping crew |Prior housekeeping work experience in |Partnership Award- successful|$4,724. per person | |(10positions) |hospitality enterprise is desired |partnership with other team | | | | |members | | |Purchasing Manager (2 |Minimum five years relevant experience. |Planner of the Year Award – |$7,491. 00 per person | |positions) |Bachelor or equivalent is required. |for concise and centred | | | | |leadership. | |F&B Manager (1 positions) |Previous experience in the Food and beverage,|Bright Spark Award |$6,656. 00 | | |culinary or other interrelated area. Number |- for bringing innovations in| | | |of years – at least 2 year experience |service experience excellence| | |Assistant F&B Manager (3 |Must have worked in low volume or multi-unit |Bright Spark Award- for |$4,101. 0 per person | |positions) |Food and Beverage operations with minimum 1 |bringing innovations in | | | |year experience |service experience excellence| | |Executive Chef (4 |Prior minimum experience of 5 to 7 years |The Award for Environment and|$5. 739 per person | |positions) |working as a chef. Preferably, degree from a |Corporate Sustainability – | | | |culinary institute. for being eco-friendly and | | | | |performing operations in | | | | |social and environmental | | | | |context. | | Figure 9. Source for pay rates: Statistics Denmark (2011) Total Number of Staff: 60 people Total Budget needed for Salary per month: $328,984. 00 5. 0 Equipment needs Item name |Quantity per each room |Timeframe for item’s |Cost per each hotel room |Total cost (for 50 | | | |purchase | |hotel rooms) | |Furniture: | | | | | |-Bed frames |1pc | |$69. 00 | $3,450. 00 | |-Desks |1pc | |$249. 8 |$12,494. 00 | |-Chairs |2pc | |$79. 00*2=$158. 00 |$7,900. 00 | | | |Total time frame for | | | |Hotel supplies: | |purchase of all items – | | | |Fitted Sheets |2 dozen |approximately 5 months |$72. 99*2=$145. 8 |$7,299. 00 | |Towels |1 dozen | |$42. 99 |$2,149. 50 | |Pillows |2pcs | |$5. 29*2=$10. 58 |$529. 00 | |Mattresses |2pcs | |$3. 99*2=$7. 98 |$399. 00 | |-Bathtub or shower in the |1pc | |$26. 99 |$1,349. 0 | |room | | | | | |-Hair-dryer | | | | | |-Telephone |1pc | |$22. 99 |$1,149. 50 | |-Safety deposit box for | | | | | |notebook and other |1pc | |$78. 6 |$3,903. 00 | |valuables | | | | | |-Hangers | | | | | |-Compact refrigerator | | | | | |-Light Bulbs (lighting) |5pcs | |$1. 25*5=$6. 25 |$312. 0 | |-Air-conditioning |1pc | |$117. 99 |$5,899. 50 | |-Electronic locks with | | | | | |magnetic key cards |12pcs | |$5. 95*12 = $71. 4 |$3,570. 00 | | | | | | | | |1pc | |$915. 0 |$45,750. 00 | | |1pc | |$329. 00 |$16,450. 00 | | | | | | | | | | | |$112,604. 50 | Figure 10. Source: Midwest Hotel Furniture Liquidators LLC (2011) The total finance required for the initial project start-up is $441,588. 0. Due to the lack of finance and inability to collect the funds at current period of time, the project will be on hold till the middle of Year 2013 until enough money is put together. [pic] Figure 11 Since our new hotel is start-up, there is a first year loss as Figure 11 shows. It could an alarm that we should decrease set-up costs and wages in order not to face the repeated losses in future years. 7. 0 Conclusion To conclude, this report analyzed the opportunity of starting a new and innovative hospitality venture which is eco-friendly hotel in Denmark.It was identified that the main innovations would constitute of groundwater based cooling and heating system to decrease energy consumption, first CO-2 neutral hotel building in Denmark and the largest solar park in North Europe. The prices for hotel rooms were det ermined with the value-based pricing policy and various price determinants in mind. In addition, the main competitors were critically analyzed and SWOT analysis provided. Three different target markets were found for our new venture and the reasons for its selection were explained.Supporting the feasibility of our project, there is an industry and market analysis which clearly detects the current market trends, estimated market value and four influential market forces. HR plan for our new venture was composed by detailing experience requirements, award categories and pay rates for certain occupations. Finally, set-up costs along with equipment needs were identified and first’s year profit-and-loss was produced. REFERENCE LIST 1) Archinnovations, 2010. BIG's 8 House Mixed-Use development in Copenhagen [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 November 2012]. ) Bastis, 2011. Destination: Denmark [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 November 2012]. 3) Booking. com, 2012. 253,034 hotels worldwide. 17+ million hotel reviews. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 November 2012]. 4) Carl Marcussen, 2008. A multiple regression approach to estimating tourist spending –per person per night at Danish destinations [pdf] Available at: [Accessed 21 November 2012]. 5) City-of-hotels. com, 2012. Hotel Staff [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 November 2012]. ) DTZ Research, 2011. Market Report Fall 2011 Greater Copenhagen [pdf] Available at: [Accessed 19 November 2012]. 7) Environmental Leader, 2012. Analysis: Hotels Must Use Targeted Marketing to Attract Green Consumers [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 November 2012]. 8) Friedhelm Tringas, 2012. How Do Hotels Determine Room Rates? [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 November 2012]. 9) Google Maps, 2012. Street Oresundsmotorvejen, Kastrup, Denmark [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 November 2012]. 10) Hotel Traffic Builders, 2010.Revenue Management for Dummies [pdf] Available at: [Accessed 17 November 2012]. 11) M idwest Hotel Furniture Liquidators LLC, 2011 [pdf] Available at: [Accessed 26 November 2012]. 12) Nordic Hotel Consulting, n. a. Hotel Market Report Copenhagen [pdf] Available at: [Accessed 19 November 2012]. 13) Oanda, 2012. Currency Converter[online] Available at: [Accessed 25 November 2012]. 14) Pricing For Profit, 2012. Value-Based Pricing [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 November 2012]. 5) Sadolin? k, 2010. Copenhagen Hotel Market Report 2010 [pdf] Available at: [Accessed 19 November 2012]. 16) Statistics Denmark, 2010 [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 November 2012]. 17) Statistics Denmark, 2011 [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 November 2012]. 18) Statistics Denmark, 2012 [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 November 2012]. 19) VenueFinder, 2009. Palace Hotel Copenhagen. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 November 2012]. 0) VisitDenmark, 2012. COPENHAGEN CITY BREAK STRATEGY 2012-2014. [pdf] Available at: [Accessed 17 November 2012]. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚ ¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Strengths: Weaknesses: 1. Location 1. High prices 2. Internationalized 2. Small room type selection Services standards 3. Clean & Spacious rooms Opportunities: Threats: 1. New housing development 1. financing issues 2. Expanding hotel chains 2. price war
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
B. F. Skinners Philosophy of Operant Conditioning Theory ...
I think that B.F. Skinner shares my philosophy in the behavioral aspects of education. There are many points that have expanded my philosophy. One was the operant conditioning theory, which is when the behavior is changed through positive and negative consequences depending on one’s behavior. Positive Reinforcements can be anything from food and candy to a toy or sticker. Negative reinforcement could be a timeout, scolding, or maybe a spanking. It all depends on their behavior. One thing that surprised me was when Skinner said, â€Å"punishment is generally ineffective in controlling undesirable behavior.†I thought that was always the best route to go. Skinner also states that it is better to just ignore the bad behavior until it stops. That†¦show more content†¦I hope that by learning about Skinner that I will be able to better help and educate the students in my classroom. When I was in school, my teacher let the kids who had been good all week get a prize out of the toy chest. It had little rings, a homework pass, or something small to give us an incentive to behave. It worked most of the time but when it came time to get our prizes, the children who did not act well got upset. They acted out because they didn’t get anything when it was up to them to act in a well manner. Another interesting piece of information I saw that Skinner said was that too much punishment can cause reinforcement. This teaches the child to lie. I think that if we do punish our students too much that they will start to lie or place the blame on others so they will not have to bare the repercussions of their actions. The goal of reinforcement is to help the good behavior increase and the punishment is to hopefully get the bad behavior to decrease. During the summer when I work with a school ESP program, the way we deal with the children who disobey or act out, we send them to the table and they have to put their head down. I personally believe that this is an effective punishment. While the child’s friends are coloring or playing, he or she has their head down and cannot participate in what is going on around them. Many do not get in trouble again for the rest of theShow MoreRelatedThe Role of Research and Statistics in the Field of Psychology1359 Words  | 6 PagesJohn B. Watson work on classical behaviorism that paved the way for B. F. Skinners radical or operant behaviorism which has had a large impact on educational systems. Watson was one of the influential psychologists of the twentieth century. His material is still used in most psychology and educational psychology texts. Watson helped with defining the study of behavior anticipated Skinners emphasis on operant conditioning and the importance of learning and environmental influencesRead MoreSkinner, Behaviorism, And Operant Conditioning1671 Words  | 7 Pageseffect. Skinner segmented behaviorism into two main sections such as respondent conditioning and operant conditioning. 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