Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Interactive Planning and Occupational Safety Research Paper
Intelligent Planning and Occupational Safety - Research Paper Example Such can be said on COPPST Circuitry. It is a worldwide association with site-level units in ten US expresses, a site in Canada, another in Nigeria, and a few in Europe and Asia. The latest crisis that happened at one of the US destinations of COPS Circuitry ought to be considered as a learning opportunity, just as a chance to propose an intelligent arranged improvement to include ordered wellbeing measures in the site. In anticipating wellbeing, Leeman (14) portrayed four pieces of this stage in the arranging procedure the frameworks examination, check investigation, reference projections, and reference situations. The Occupational Health and Safety Hazard Administration (OSHA) gives a broad norm and rule for bosses and directors that address the four said portions of the arranging procedure. ... Â mission (EOCC), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Department of Transportation (DOT), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS). At the state level are Department of Environmental Protection (Air, Water, Soil, Waste, Facility Response Plans, and Emergency Notification), Department of Health and Human Services (Radiation Control Program), State Office of the Fire Marshall (Occupancy and Life Safety Codes), Department of Economic and Community Development, Department of Labor (Workers Comp, Disability, and so on.), Department of Public Safety, and the Department of Transportation. What's more, at the neighborhood level are Code Compliance Division, Planning and Development Department, and the Water Resource Protection Department. Along with the businesses, they assume an essential job in the arrangement of wellbeing in the working environment. Intuitive Planning These different levels and offices of the administration all add to the m ass information and data in the detailing of intelligent making arrangements for the authoritative activities. Different norms are required by these offices to be met, with the proceeding and safe activities of organizations as ultimate objective. These incorporate security of laborers at the work environment and basic principles and methodology that guarantee wellbeing and ecological prerequisite consistence are met. Be that as it may, extra contemplations incorporate the government assistance and objectives of the different partners of COPS Circuitry. They are the representatives, clients, providers, wholesalers, other neighborhood organizations, the nearby network, corporate OHS, different specialty units, and the general company.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free Essays on Comparison of The American Revolution and the French Revolution
During the late 1800's, two extraordinary insurgencies happened, the American Unrest and the French Revolution. These two authentic occasions occurred simultaneously, yet had an extraordinary number contrasts and practically nothing closeness. At the point when French Revolution happened, it transformed into a fierce what's more, grisly occasion, while the American Revolution was practically peaceful, beside the war. In 1774, King Louis XVI settled on a choice that could have forestalled the French Revolution by breathing new life into the French economy: he named Physiocrat Robert Turgot as Controller General of Finance. The Physiocrats were a little band of supporters of the French doctor Francois Quesnay, whose monetary remedies included decreased expenses, less guideline, the end of government-allowed restraining infrastructures and inside tolls and levies, thoughts that discovered their revitalizing cry in the well known motto, free enterprise, laissez-passer. The Physiocrats applied a significant impact on Adam Smith, who had spent time in France during the 1760s and whose great The Wealth of Nations exemplified the Physiocratic assault on mercantilism and contended that countries get rich by rehearsing free trade.2 Of Smith, Turgot, and the Physiocrats, the incomparable French legislator and creator Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850) composed: The premise of their entire monetary framework might be genuinely said to lie in the rule of personal responsibility. . . . The main capacity of government agreeing to this principle is to secure life, freedom, and property.10 Grasping the standard of unhindered commerce not similarly as a transitory catalyst, be that as it may, as a way of thinking, Turgot got the lord to sign a proclamation in January 1776 that nullified the restraining infrastructures and uncommon benefits of the societies, organizations, and exchanging organizations. He at that point devoted himself to breaking down the inward taxes inside France. By restricting government cost, he had the option to cut the spending plan by 60 million livres and diminish the enthusiasm on ... Free Essays on Comparison of The American Revolution and the French Revolution Free Essays on Comparison of The American Revolution and the French Revolution During the late 1800's, two extraordinary transformations happened, the American Upset and the French Revolution. These two authentic occasions occurred simultaneously, yet had an incredible number contrasts and practically nothing similitude. At the point when French Revolution happened, it transformed into an exceptionally savage also, ridiculous occasion, while the American Revolution was practically peaceful, beside the war. In 1774, King Louis XVI settled on a choice that could have forestalled the French Revolution by breathing new life into the French economy: he named Physiocrat Robert Turgot as Controller General of Finance. The Physiocrats were a little band of supporters of the French doctor Francois Quesnay, whose monetary solutions included diminished charges, less guideline, the end of government-conceded imposing business models and inward tolls and taxes, thoughts that discovered their mobilizing cry in the popular motto, free enterprise, laissez-passer. The Physiocrats applied a significant impact on Adam Smith, who had spent time in France during the 1760s and whose great The Wealth of Nations epitomized the Physiocratic assault on mercantilism and contended that countries get rich by rehearsing free trade.2 Of Smith, Turgot, and the Physiocrats, the incomparable French legislator and creator Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850) composed: The premise of their entire monetary framework might be really said to lie in the guideline of personal responsibility. . . . The main capacity of government agreeing to this precept is to secure life, freedom, and property.10 Grasping the guideline of unhindered commerce not similarly as a transitory catalyst, be that as it may, as a way of thinking, Turgot got the lord to sign a proclamation in January 1776 that canceled the imposing business models and exceptional benefits of the societies, enterprises, and exchanging organizations. He at that point committed himself to breaking down the inner duties inside France. By constraining government cost, he had the option to cut the financial plan by 60 million livres and decrease the enthusiasm on ...
Sunday, July 26, 2020
MA How to Create and Shorten a Long List
MA How to Create and Shorten a Long List The process of MA starts off with determining the needs of the acquirer and figuring what is needed from a possible merger. Once this has been done, the managers start listing down all possible companies that could be taken over. Detailed, thorough analysis and a screening process are later used to shorten the long list. © Shutterstock.com | NoppadolsignIn this article, we look at 1) recognizing the purpose of MA, 2) creating long list, and 3) screening potential candidates.RECOGNIZING THE PURPOSE OF MABefore a company initiates the process of a merger or acquisition, it is essential to determine what purpose the company hopes to achieve through the merger. A merger or an acquisition is a major strategic decision for any company which must be backed by research and deliberation. All parties that would be affected by a possible MA should be identified, as well as the impact of the merger on them.Revisiting vision and mission statementIn order to identify the reason for a possible merger, the company needs to revisit its vision and mission statements, since these provide the general direction in which the company is supposed to go. Vision statements say a lot about a company, since they detail how the entity perceives its existence and how it envisions to change or impact with its operations in the in dustry. Similarly, a mission statement talks about what the company wants to achieve in the future and how it plans to do so. Reviewing the mission statement will help decision makers get reacquainted with the company’s philosophy before they look into a potential MA.Updating and renewing the vision and goalsReviewing the vision and goal statements will help the company define parameters for a possible merger. Companies need to periodically revise and update their vision and mission statements. It also includes setting new goals and changing policies to accommodate mergers and acquisition.Determining what the company wants to achieve with MAThe company needs to determine and pinpoint what it wants to achieve with a particular merger or acquisition, since it would make it easier to shortlist companies. It must also be determined how the merger will impact the business as a whole. If the company plans ahead and knows exactly what it wants to achieve, it would save a lot of time and effort and eventually result in the right decision being made. Listing down all the goals of the company will help managers better strategize mergers and acquisitions. A bad merger could hurt the company and slow down growth, which is why planning is of paramount importance.Determining how it would impact the business processesA merger or an acquisition is likely to impact the business operations considerably, especially if the operations of the target company are being integrated with current operations. It is important to plan for these changes ahead of time, so that proper arrangements can be made, which will help with a smooth transition. In order to make the target company part of the running operations, a cultural change has to be initiated, which will involve taking the employees into confidence, recruitment, and training. CREATING LONG LISTIt is important to be methodical while creating and shortening a list for a possible MA. Here are some things to consider while searching for the right company.Listing down companies working in the industryThe first step involves identifying targets for a merger or an acquisition. There are several ways in which a right fit for a merger could be found. First; the managers need to develop a profile of the sort of firm they want to acquire. Managers must also gather information on market condition, industries, products and services being offered. There are several research reports available on industries and their future potential, which can be of great help to the acquirer.The acquirer needs to look for companies in their vicinity, which means it needs to consider firms it sells to and buys from. Many mergers and acquisitions take place between firms that already have a working relationship. Senior staff and managers must be encouraged to use their contacts and network to look for likely prospects in the industry. Details could be circulating in the industry pertaining to a possible merger and the kind of firm the acq uirer is interested in. For this purpose banks and other financial institutions could be used, since they serve similar companies.Establishing the primary screening or selection criteriaAfter reviewing and revising the company mission and vision statement, criteria are developed according to which the long list is further shortened. The criteria may include the size of the company, budget, number of employees, area of business, location, value of the company and relevance to the current business area. This would act as the primary screening or selection criteria.List according to Pre-determined criteriaOnce you have a list of companies, and the criteria that will factor into your decision-making, list all the companies down and rate them on each criterion. Creating a table listing each individual factor you are considering and then adding companies to this table will help you clearly see which companies do and do not match your requirements. Should a lot of companies fit the bill, y ou can use this table to help prioritize a list in the order you will approach the companies. Having data laid out for easy visualization can help speed the process of choosing the right companies for your shortlist.Developing a search strategyThis process requires a lot of information from primary and secondary sources. The company needs to find information about these companies, so that analysis and decision making is easier. Information can be often found in publications made available to the public, but at times, primary research has to be done in order to acquire insightful information. When a merger or acquisition is being deliberated, information regarding the company can be sought directly from the company as well. Government organizations and regulatory bodies usually have a database containing all the companies in a particular industry, which could be acquired to streamline the process.All the companies in the long list will be tested on this set of criteria. Another strat egy is talking to experts and getting their insightful opinion about various companies in the industry. Alternatively, companies could be categorized according to the area of business they specialize in.Computerized databases and directory, banking, and accounting firmsThe search and organization of these companies could be aided with technology. Databases could be created, especially for industries with a huge number of companies. The computerized data would also help organize the list better and criteria could be set to shortlist the companies in the industries. Moreover, in order to acquire as much as information as possible records can be sought from various financial institutions like banks and accounting firms, which will be able to provide insightful information about the target companies.Approaching the target companyWhen a suitable target has been identified, there is a need to register interest. There should be formal and clear communication with the concerned party. The h igher management, which is board of directors in most cases, must be directly approached. It must be made sure that the management fully understands as to why the acquirer is interested in the target firm. A list of question should be prepared and presented to the decision makers at the target firm. A formal meeting could help get clear information across in addition to providing an opportunity to explain the business and future plans of the acquirer.Before the owners or decision makers of the target company are approached it is advisable to find out if the they are already planning to sell the business. If they are already planning to sell, the reasons behind must be determined and investigated. It must also be considered, in case of a merger, whether the acquirer would work well with the target company’s managers and staff, since personal difference could mean the difference between success and failureSCREENING POTENTIAL CANDIDATESOnce the acquirer has the list of shortlisted co mpanies for a possible merger or takeover, screening potential candidates will further narrow the search. There are ways through which this can be done.Detailed analysis, valuation and evaluation of the target companyAfter the initial screening process, all shortlisted companies are put through a detailed and thorough analysis. This process involves going through the company’s financials. These financial statements include an income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement and capital structure statement. Evaluating these statements would give the acquirer an idea as to how the potential company has performed over the years. Underlying patterns can also be determined through these statements which will give an insightful view of how well the company has progressed over the years. Income statements could be further used to generate various performance ratios, which give an overview about company’s profitability. Some common ratios include, gross profit ratio, net profit rati o and return of capital employed ratio. In the same manner values from the balance sheet can be used to calculate ratios, which summarize the financial standing of a company, commonly include current ratio, acid-test ratio and leverage ratio. Solicitors and accountants could provide valuable insight into the financial standing of the company.Brief financial due diligence reviewAll selected companies must also go through the process of due diligence. Usually mergers and acquisition require approvals from central government agencies that are responsible for ensuring a competitive environment in the industry. It is important to make sure that there are no legal disputes concerning the ownership of the potential companies.Adding more criteria to shorten the listOnce all the relevant information has been collected more criteria could be added to further shorten the list and possibly select a firm for a merger. Conditions may include market size, size of the firm, product line, and degree of leverage. All the shortlisted companies could be tested against these conditions to find the right fit.ValuationThe next step involves valuation of the company. In order to understand the concept of valuation, it is important to develop familiarity with the concept of cash flows.Any income a company receives or any expense incurred impacts the cash account over a given period. There are two kinds of cash flow movements: Cash inflows and Cash outflows. Inflows include revenues earned from operations or investments and financing activities. Cash outflows include expenses incurred by the firm for operational activities, investments, and purchase of assets.Net cash flows can be calculating by combining cash inflows and outflows. A positive net cash flow would mean that the company is receiving more cash than it is spending.There are several ways to value a company using the cash flow models:1. Hiring a professional consultancy firm to do the jobAlthough this method might be costly a nd time consuming, it usually gives an accurate valuation of the company. Another method to valuate a company involves analyzing the cash flows of the company and placing a value on company’s ability to generate profits.2. Forecasting using future net cash flowsIn some cases, future net cash flows are also calculated and a forecast is created, which provides an important determinant for valuation of the company. As explained above, operating free cash flow is cash generated by operations, which is attributed to all providers of capital in the firm’s capital structure. This also includes debt providers as they provide funds to finance the company. The calculation is done by taking earnings before tax and interest and adjusting for the tax rate. Depreciation is added back, since it is non-cash expense and does not impact the cash account. Capital expenditure is subtracted and any changes in capital structure are also subtracted. All these values are available in the income stateme nt and balance sheet of the company.3. Looking at Growth RateAnother model for valuation includes looking at the growth rate, which is the rate at which the company is growing in terms of revenues and profits in a year to year comparison. This value can be difficult to predict at times, but could drastically change the value of the firm. Conventionally, it is calculated by using the return on invested capital value and multiplying it with retention rate. The percent of earning that are held back within the company, hence not paid as dividends, is known as retention rate. Return on investment is the income generated from the operations. This value can be retrieved from the income statement.4. Using the present value of operating free cash flowsAnother popular method to evaluate the value of a company is calculation of the present value of operating free cash flows. The operating free cash flows are calculated as mentioned above, but for this calculation the cash flows are discounted to take into account the cost of financing projects. The discounting is based on the average interest rate in the economy. The weighted average cost of capital is used as the discounted factor. Three potential growth scenarios are taken in account: No growth, constant growth and varying growth. Creating and shortening a list of potential firms for merger or takeover is a complicated process, which requires a lot of research, due diligence and meticulous calculation. A number of factors, as explained above, need to be taken into account before a decision is made. The acquirer needs to determine a criteria, which would help make the process manageable. The narrower the parameters, the easier it would be for the acquirer to shorten the long list.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Links between Strategy and Human Resources - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2072 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Through their management strategy, the companies use the human resources as the way to be more competitive. The HR is in parallel with the strategy by the priorities of the company to reach different goals. The human resources permit to develop flexibility into the organization part of a competitive environment. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Links between Strategy and Human Resources" essay for you Create order Besides that, the management of people is very important in order to keep the knowledge and techniques up. In fact, HRM has a lot to do with the organizational strategy. To reach the goal, a good coordination is needed to be efficient. As we can find in Johnson and Scholes, 2002: 16, the understanding of a strategic position of an organization is relates to managements understanding in terms of the impact of the external environment, the organizations strategic capability and the influence and expectation of its key stakeholders (Strategic human resource management by Mike Millmore, Philip LewisÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦). An evaluation of the company environment has to be done to evaluate the real situation and the one the company want to reach in a long term. The human resources manager needs to have a good knowledge of each sector and the people working in the company. In fact, the way an organization is adapted to its environment will affect its action. I fact, enviro nmental determinism is more important in an evolutionary perspective strategy than in a classical approach (Poole, 1990). It means that environmental factors control the future of an organization and human resources strategy must matched to the organizational strategy determined in order to achieve success. This is kind of the link between the managers and the first line workers. The strategy is elaborated by the top managers and then the HR has to find out the best way to achieve it by looking and examine what has to be done concerning the staff to do it in the best conditions as possible. The management of knowledge is one of the most important parts of the job of the HR. They have to analyze if every competence is in link and update enough to do the job in a most efficient way. So the HRM job is to look for the best performance in the organization. For many organizations HRM is not really strategic. The organizational strategy drives the possible and practical HRM style. HR strategies are shaped by the business strategy. As it is said in Purcell, 2001, HRM will be informed by organizational strategy as well as helping to shape the nature of this strategy. In organizations where there is high commitment or involvement, employees can have input on tactical direction and even strategy. In that case, HRM facilitates the employee input, but the HRM model itself is still driven by the top-down requirements. The practice of HRM needs to be integrated with the overall strategy to ensure effective use of people and provide better results to the organization in terms of ROI (return on investment) for every dollar spent on them. Unless the HRM practice is designed in this way, the firm stands to lose from not utilizing people fully. This doesnt match well with the success of the organization. HRM needs an organization to: Engage in human resource planning Develop required employee competences Ensure required role behavior Promote employee mo tivation This is the four task model illustrated by Schuler and Jackson (1987). In fact, the HR plays a big role in the strategy of a company because it helps motivates people at work. HRM function is to improve workers performances by giving them better working conditions, make them feel belonging to the company, giving them advantages. The goal of organizational strategy is to increase performances to gain more productivity and this is the link. KEY INITIATIVES FOR STRATEGY To make predictions regarding human resources, it is not necessary to implement techniques more or less sophisticated, but rather to help managerial staff to outline new directions and support the new strategy set by the board of executive. HR strategies are management answers to concrete questions. These forecasts provide opportunities and competitiveness through the management of individuals. Prediction in the field of human resources is called strategic when it helps the manager to anticipate and to proceed faster, even during periods of frequent change. The human resources strategy is the mean to match the human resources management and strategic context of business. All strategies have the same characteristics: they allow obtaining an overall direction, involving several programs, several functions of the organization and must be spread over more than a year. But first the HR department has to think about a whole strategy. The context of strategic human resources can be divided into three phases: Evaluation of the Companys environment Example of Development and Implementation of a strategy Controlling if the new strategy can match with employee welfare The first step in a human resources strategy is to be aware of business priorities, compare the HR strategy and business strategy and address gaps between current and desired situation. To define the context of human resources, the first initiative which is necessary is: Conduct an Evaluation of the companys environment That is to say understand the new business strategy and think about the future HR strategy application with it: Evaluate and spot the internal and external changes to the companys business that may affect its future performance Collect all data that suggest future changes Make an analysis of changes expected Evaluate the expected changes, Identify the context of human resources which can evolve due to external factors (Social, political, legislative, demographic, economic, technological) Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company and its competitors Compare the HR system with other companies (practicing benchmarking) Analyze the future Identify organizational requirements and very long-term competitiveness, Think about the possible failures to prevent Analyze all the possible sources of change that is to say: Internal Environment: Functional efficiency (if possible with numbers), Usual processes, Resources, Organization, Employees an d managers External Environment: Demographic, Legal, Politic, Technologic, International situation, Economic situation (of the country and all others countries related to the company) All other organizations: Clients, Competitors, Vendors / Suppliers, Economic partners, World of work, Unions And then we can understand and formulate a strategy for the company. Example of Development and Implementation of the Strategy This is the level in which strategic direction is reviewed or defined, programs and activities planned and resources allocated. Then implementation of the strategy in which the managerial levers of change is applied to ensure the desired economic results. There are many ways to act because there are several schools, several ways of thinking. As we can read in Strategic Human Resource Management (by Millmore, Lewis, Saunders, Thornhill and Morrow Prentice Hall by Pearson Education 2007 Page 7), Mintzberg (1998) distinguished 4 approaches to strategy: classical, evolutionary and systemic, and these approaches are more finely detailed in 10 schools. More specifically, in strategy development, Purcell (2001) differentiates 3 schools: the design school, the process school and the configuration school (read in Strategic Human Resource Management: A guide to action by Michael Armstrong Kogan Page 3rd Edition 2006 Page 49-50). Lets focus on The Process School, which is interested in how strategies are created. There are 3 ways to develop and implement a strategy in process school: Integrated Process: According Emery Gonin (Gà ©rer les ressources humaines, Pages 245-246, PPUR presses Polytechniques, 2009) there are 4 steps to follow this scheme: First you have to consider development as a mid-term investment, that is to say develop skills of employees rather than abusive recruitment. Then you need an analysis which will anticipate competences needs by creating a sort of database of collective skills of employees, which will be useful to create development pipelines for major staff categories (novices, new staff, expertsÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦) After you can examine the various services of the organization on future skill needs. It will be useful to find out the priority actions in which you could conduct trainings The last step of this process is implement a cycle of individual development, based on regular analysis of performance an d profile of qualifications for the position occupied, a development contract between the employee and his hierarchy, ensuring an ongoing transfer and evaluation. A training plan and an individual training passport will complement these instruments by providing the dimension professional development. We can see that with this process that the economic strategy is covering the whole areas of the organization, including HR. Indeed it is considered as part of the environment evaluation. The business strategy in covering the whole company orientation and HR will just analyze and implement what is ordered. Parallel process: This process involves the entire business strategy will be thought with the HR strategy and vice versa. This time HR problems can influence business strategy and overall results. To implement this type of action you first need to know what performance management is. According Robert Bacal in Performance Management (McGraw-Hill Professional, 1999 Page 3) it i s an ongoing communication process, undertaken in partnership, between an employee and his or her immediate supervisor that involves establishing clear expectations and understanding about: The essentials job functions the employee is expected to do How the employees job contributes to the goals of the organization What doing the job well means in concrete terms How employee and supervisors will work together to sustain, improve, or build on existing employee performance The parallel process implies that you must match the organization with all skills and with the performance management. Separate process: Here the HR strategy is developed as a separate functional plan. The previous economic plans are first analyzed. As Michael Armstrong says in Strategic human resource management: a guide to action (Kogan Page, 1st Edition 2000 Pages 51-52), the separate process is the most common approach, [where] a distinct HR plan is developed. It is both prepared and considered s eparately from the overall business plan. It may be formulated concurrently with strategic planning, before (and an input to), or following (to examine its implications). [ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦] Since the assessment is outside the strategic planning process, consideration of business strategy depends on a review of the current and past business strategies. The value of the HR strategy is therefore governed by the sufficiency (or insufficiency) of the business-related data. This approach perpetuates the notion of HR as a staff-driven, functionally specialist concern. There we focus on HR to evaluate the environment (at the staff, company or economic entity level). The executive board delegates its responsibilities. That is why this technique is most often used, particularly in large companies. Controlling if the new strategy can match with employee welfare To sum up, the human resources strategies can: Develop a more flexible, more adaptable in a competitive environment Gains and sustain competitiveness in the management of individuals. They start from an economic approach (customers, products, competitors) to progressively achieve specific actions and specified programs in terms of human resources (training, recruitment, compensation, etc. ). The result is a strategy that reflects the priorities needed for action. But we cant lose sight of the welfare of employees in these strategies. Aligning employee expectations with the strategy can be possible by keeping in mind some important elements: Managers influence the expectations of employees Communicate on strategy to build expectations, or requests for changes Translate strategies into operational objectives Change the culture of the organization to strengthen the implementation of the strategy. For example: If the new strategy is based on a process of tota l quality management, employees, at all levels, are involved in defined performance requirements, based on analysis of customer needs. The customer may be external or may be other individuals or entities of the company. Through this process, the performance targets are not imposed by management, but shaped by a process of continuous evaluation, feedback, redefinition and continuous improvement. These objectives must be declined at the whole company level, service, and each employee and has to be expressed in terms of results contributing to a higher performance of the company. In this way, everyone see its contribution and can be satisfied with its job. Furthermore it reinforces teamwork and avoids the divisions between hierarchical levels. You can create an entity where everybody works hard for the same goal, with the same spirit and sharing the same culture. Culture is a powerful weapon of competitiveness (q.v. Disney, Apple, Coca-Cola). It can also be an obstacle when it is not i n line with the strategy. The management challenge is to shape the culture, strengthen and put into perspective with the necessary strategy.
Friday, May 8, 2020
The Indian Removal Act Of 1830 - 892 Words
The central focus for this lesson is to have student analyze an injury question, develop a hypothesis and revise that said hypothesis after several data sets to have a specific thesis statement that is specific to all events leading up to the inquiry question. The inquiry question the students are analyzing is; what are the major effects of the Indian Removal Act of 1830? The students will be given several data sets of events that occurred after the act was initiated and draw conclusions and revise their thesis statement as they go. The big idea of this lesson to have students understand the importance of the Indian Removal Act and it is essentially only the beginning of the journey that Indian tribes had to face after the act was initiated. It led to many heartbreaking events that presently effected more than just the five tribes that were directed effected by the act. The data sets also focuses on Andrew Jackson, the president who initiated the act, and the reasons why he make this act affective. The students will be presented with their first data set and that is a video on the Indian removal act and brief overview of the Trail of tears. Based on the video, the students will make an initial thesis statement that is answering the inquiry question; what were the major effects of the Indian Removal Act of 1830? A list will be compiled on the board of any ideas that the students had based on prior knowledge and the first data set. The students will have a worksheet whereShow MoreRelatedThe Removal Of The Indian Removal Act Of 18301820 Words  | 8 Pagespolicy of the Government, steadily pursued for nearly thirty years, in relation to the removal of the Indians beyond the white settlements is approaching to a happy consummation. Two important tribes have accepted the provision made for their removal at the last session of Congress, and it is believed that their example will induce the remaining tribes also to seek the same obvious advantages.†(Jackson, 1830) This quote from President Andrew Jackson showed the happiness of the â€Å"white settlers†ofRead MoreIndian Removal Act Of 18301155 Words  | 5 Pages2015 Indian Removal Act of 1830 The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was an act that helped aid the expansion of the United States population into the southernmost states, occupied mainly by Native Americans. The act was a long time coming, especially with President Andrew Jackson, a long-time proponent of Native American removal, at the helm. This paper explores the history leading up to the law, the introduction and passage, as well as the sometimes-tragic implementation of the Indian Removal Act of 1830Read MoreIndian Removal Act Of 1830868 Words  | 4 PagesIndian Removal Act of 1830 The Indian Removal Act was signed into law on May 28th 1930 during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. Perhaps best known as the black eye of the administration and overshadowing his presidency’s accomplishments, the Indian Removal Act was passed into law to allow the president to negotiate with Indians to purchase land they occupied and offer them lands west of the Mississippi. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 could also amount to pure greed and racism, the beginning of theRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act Of 1830940 Words  | 4 PagesThe American’s desire for expansion of their nation and economic growth has always been their main interest and goal. The Indian Removal in the 1830’s was a great example of America’s efforts to expand through North America and their motivation to economically improve through profitable opportunities. When comparing the Indian Removal and the events that followed the Treaty of Paris, a similarity in the expansion of America i s discovered. Labor, politics, and economics of America during the two erasRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act Of 18301083 Words  | 5 Pages The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was a law passed by President Andrew Jackson that provided the funds for the removal of the Indian tribes found in South. These tribes were the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole. Slave states, following the lead of Missouri who in the 1820s forced its Indian population to leave, saw the opportunity to expand their industry in the fielding of cotton by â€Å"converting Indian soil into slave soil.†That along with the finding of gold and simply the desireRead MoreIndian Removal Act Of 1830923 Words  | 4 PagesIt gives me pleasure to announce to Congress . . . the removal of the Indians beyond the white settlements is approaching to a happy consummation†(Jackson, 1830, para.1). With promises of new lands, protection, and monies, President Andrew Jackson portrays the Indian Remova l Act of 1830 as beneficial to Indians, wherein governmental financial gain is incidental. However, when considering land transactions and gold discoveries, the true beneficiaries are revealed. While strengthening the States’Read MoreThe Indian Removal Act of 18301123 Words  | 5 PagesTHE INDIAN REMOVAL ACT OF 1830 Migdalia Tuero HIST101: American History to 1877 Professor Kathleen Davis February 13, 2014 There are several historical events and issues that have impacted the contemporary political development among American history. In the history of America one of these groups are the Native Americans. The white man throughout the South called for a removal of the Indian peoples. They wanted the Native Indians to be resettled to the west because their presence createdRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act Of 18301299 Words  | 6 Pageswere many diverse, and complex views when approaching this subject matter; however, in 1830 President Andrew Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act, which forced Indians to relocate from their homelands in south east to land west of the Mississippi river. This granted the U.S. a large portion of new rich land, unfortunately it was at the expense of the Native Americans. When passing the Indian Removal Act of 1830, President Jackson relied on teleological utilitarianism ethnic views, in that he focusedRead MoreIndian Removal Act Of 1830923 Words  | 4 Pagesbut the Cherokee removal was the cruelest work I ever knew†, remarked a Georgia soldier who had participated in the removal of Indian Natives during the mid-1800’s. As a result of the Indian Removal Act, Indian natives have been perceived as mistreated and cheated throughout history. The Indian Removal Act was passed during the presidency of Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830. This act granted authorization to the president to exchange unsettled lands west of Mississippi for Indian lands residing inRead MoreThe Indian Removal Act Of 1830865 Words  | 4 PagesWhen the Indian Removal act of 1830 was enacted, the Cherokee Nation panicked. The Cherokee, specifically the romanticized Tsali, did their best to preserve their culture in the mountains of North Carolina, but what really saved them from their harsh fate that so many other Cherokee faced, was there white chief, William Holland Thomas. The Cherokee were â€Å"disagreeable and dangerous neighbors,†but th ey had a powerful ally in Raleigh, who saved the Eastern Band from a much harsher fate. The Eastern
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Projectile Motion Free Essays
PROJECTILE MOTION AND BASKET BALL By: Fieda Rizkiana 09/X11 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2 KEDIRI 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The writer expresses her gratitude to Allah SWT for blessing, love, opportunity, health and mercy to complete this assignment entitled â€Å"PROJECTILE MOTION AND BASKET BALL†to complete final task of Physics in 2nd semester. To complete this assignment, the writer knows that without other people’s help and support she will never be able to finish it. Therefore, writer would like to express her gratitude to everyone who helped her. We will write a custom essay sample on Projectile Motion or any similar topic only for you Order Now The writer realizes that this assignment is far for being perfect, so suggestion and criticism for the perfection of this assignment will be the most welcome and accepted with pleasant and gratitude. Finally, she hopes that this Physics assignment will be usefull for the readers and especially for herself. Kediri, 27th of February 2013 The Writer TABEL OF CONTENT Cover Page i Acknowledgement ii Table of Content iii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 A. Purpose 1 B. Background1 C. Material 1 D. Procedure 2 CHAPTER II DISCUSSION3 A. Result of Experiment 3 B. Analysis 4 CHAPTER III CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 15 Bibliography 16 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The purpose of this experiment is: 1. Knowing the work of projectile motion in basket ball 2. Knowing the V0 3. Knowing the t BACKGROUND In order to figure out the perfect shot, you are going to need to know what projectile motion is. So really, what is projectile motion? Projectile motion is the curved path (also known as a parabola) an object follows when thrown near the surface of the Earth. It has an initial velocity, but after that, the only force acting on the object is gravity. In order to figure out the perfect shot, you are going to need to know what projectile motion is. So really, what is projectile motion? Projectile motion is the curved path (also known as a parabola) an object follows when thrown near the surface of the Earth. It has an initial velocity, but after that, the only force acting on the object is gravity. MATERIAL 1. Basket ball 2. Meter roll 3. Notebook and pen to write the result PROCEDURE 1. Measure: a. height of ring b. height of thrower c. distance between ring and thrower 2. Thrower shoot basket ball toward the ring with the specified distance 3. Write the data from the measurement 4. Analyze the data to find a value of velocity and time needed CHAPTER II DATA OF EXPERIMENT Hr Ht Yf X Vo Explanation: V0= initial velocity = angle X= horizontal distance between thrower and ring Ht= the height of thrower Hr= the height of ring Yf= the difference between height of ring and height of thrower Experiment| Shot 1| Shot 2| Shot 3| Shot 4| Shot 5| X| 6. 3 m| 5. 6 m| 4. 6 m| 3. 8 m| 2. 75 m| Yf| 1. 51 m| 1. 51 m| 1. 51 m| 1. 51 m| 1. 51 m| Ht| 1. 49 m| 1. 49 m| 1. 49 m| 1. 49 m| 1. 49 m| Hr| 3 m| 3 m| 3 m| 3 m| 3 m| ANALYSIS Shooting a basketball can be described as a projectile motion. When the object was thrown, the velocity will become zero once it reach the highest point, after that the ball will continue to move forward because the horizontal force still exists. It will continue to move forward until it hit the ground, due to the gravity. So to figure out the perfect angle to shoot the ball at, we will have to use reverse trigonometry. Since we were given the Vix and the Viy, you will need to use the reverse of tangent, also known as arctangent. Data I X1= 6. 3 m Ht= 1. 49 Hr = 3 m Yf= 3 – 1. 49 = 1. 51 m Tan ? = Yfx1 Tan ? = 1. 516. 3 Tan ? = 0. 2396825397 ?= 13. 47853354 ° yf= vo2? sin2? 2g 1. 51= vo2? sin213. 47853354 °2 . 9. 8 1. 51? 19. 6= vo2? 0. 05432677 vo2=29. 5960. 05432677 vo=544. 777457 vo=23. 34046822 m/s t= v0? sin? g t= 23. 34046822 ? 0. 2330810399. 8 t=5. 402205839. 8 t=0. 555124549 s So, the basketball will get in the hoop if: * Distance between thrower and ring is 6. 3 m * Height of people is 1. 49 m * Height of the ring is 3 m * The angel is 13. 47853354 ° * The initial velocity is 23. 34046822 m/s * The time is 0. 555124549 s Data II X2= 5. 6 m Ht= 1. 49 Hr = 3 m Yf= 3 – 1. 49 = 1. 51 m Tan ? = Yfx2 Ta n ? = 1. 515. 6 Tan ? = 0. 269642857 ?= 15. 09050101 ° yf= vo2? sin2? 2g 1. 51= vo2? sin215. 09050101 °2 . 9. 8 1. 51? 19. 6= vo2? 0. 067779227 vo2=29. 5960. 067779227 vo=436. 6529536 vo=20. 89624257 m/s t= v0? sin? g t= 20. 89624257 ? 0. 260344449. 8 t=5. 4402205719. t=0. 555124548 s So, the basketball will get in the hoop if: * Distance between thrower and ring is 5. 6 m * Height of people is 1. 49 m * Height of the ring is 3 m * The angel is 15. 09050101 ° * The initial velocity is 20. 89624257 m/s * The time is 0. 555124548 s Data III X3= 4. 6 m Ht= 1. 49 Hr = 3 m Yf= 3 – 1. 49 = 1. 51 m Tan ? = Yfx1 Tan ? = 1. 514. 6 Tan ? = 0. 328260869 ?= 18. 17298431 ° yf= vo2? sin2? 2g 1. 51= vo2? sin2 18. 17298431 °2 . 9. 8 1. 51? 19. 6= vo2? 0. 097273475 vo2=29. 5960. 05432677 vo=304. 2556026 vo=17. 44292414 m/s t= v0? sin? g t= 17. 44292414 ? 0. 311886969. 8 t=5. 4402205849. 8 t=0. 55124549 s So, the basketball will get in the hoop if: * The distance between thrower and ring is 4. 6 m * The height of people is 1. 49 m * The height of the ring is 3 m * The angel is 18. 17298431 ° * The initial velocity is vo=17. 44292414 m/s * The time is 0. 555124549 s Data IV X4= 3. 8 m Ht= 1. 49 Hr = 3 m Yf= 3 – 1. 49 = 1. 51 m Tan ? = Yfx1 Tan ? = 1. 513. 8 Tan ? = 0. 397368421 ?= 21. 6713103 ° yf= vo2? sin2? 2g 1. 51= vo2? sin221. 6713103 °2 . 9. 8 1. 51? 19. 6= vo2? 0. 136368801 vo2=29. 5960. 136368801 vo=217. 0291126 vo=14. 73190797 m/s t= v0? sin? g t= 14. 73190797 ? 0. 3692814669. 8 t=5. 4402205749. t=0. 555124548 s So, the basketball will get in the hoop if: * Distance between thrower and ring is 3. 8 m * Height of people is 1. 49 m * Height of the ring is 3 m * The angel is 21. 6713103 ° * The initial velocity is vo=14. 73190797m/s * The time is 0. 555124548 s Data V X5= 2. 75 m Ht= 1. 49 Hr = 3 m Yf= 3 – 1. 49 = 1. 51 m Tan ? = Yfx1 Tan ? = 1. 512. 75 Tan ? = 0. 549090909 ?= 28. 77078832 ° yf= vo2? sin22g 1. 51= vo2? sin228. 77078 8322 . 9. 8 1. 51? 19. 6= vo2? 0. 231656269 vo2=29. 5960. 231656269 vo=127. 7582517 vo=11. 30301958 m/s t= v0? sin? g t= 11. 30301958 ? 0. 4813068359. 8 t=5. 4402205819. t=0. 555124549 s So, the basketball will get in the hoop if: * Distance between thrower and ring is 2. 75 m * Height of people is 1. 49 m * Height of the ring is 3 m * The angel is 28. 77078832 ° * The initial velocity is 11. 30301958 m/s * The time is0. 555124549 s CHAPTER III CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Conclusion: 1. The things that affect projectile motion are the power when we release the ball, ball height, and gravity. 2. Benefit of understanding and applying theory of projectile motion in basketball game is your shot release speed will be adjusted according to what height the ball is release from (e. . , from a jump shot or from the floor). That is because you know the difference between the basket height and the release point determines in part how long the ball must be in the air to reach the hoop. Suggesti on: When doing an experiment we have to be more careful and serious, so we get a more accurate result. BIBLIOGGRAPHY http://www. wired. com/images_blogs/wiredscience/2011/10/shot2s. jpg https://sites. google. com/a/mcsdonline. org/emilee-meyer/basketball-projectile-motion-fun How to cite Projectile Motion, Papers Projectile Motion Free Essays Projectile Motion Lab Report Objectives: This laboratory experiment presents the opportunity to study motion in two dimensions, projectile motion, which can be described as accelerated motion in the vertical direction and uniform motion in the horizontal direction. Procedures and Apparatus: |Rubber Ball |White sheets of papers | |Metal Track |Water | |Books |Table | |Meter-stick |Stopwatch | Obtain all the apparatus and material needed to proceed with experiment †¢ Set up a ramp using the metal track and a bunch of books at any angle so that the ball will roll off. †¢ Measure the distance from the edge of the table to the end of the ramp. We will write a custom essay sample on Projectile Motion or any similar topic only for you Order Now †¢ Roll the ball down the ramp and off the table but make sure to catch the ball as soon as it leaves the table; do this part 10 times and record the times †¢ Calculate average velocity for this step †¢ Measure the height (vertical distance or the y-axis) of the table. †¢ Using this height, derive t (time) from the uniform accelerated motion in order to obtain the predicted distance x. The next step is to release the ball from the ramp and let it fall off the table to the floor. †¢ Measure the spot on the floor where the ball hits the floor point when the ball rolls off the table. †¢ We positioned a piece of paper on the floor on which the ball marks the spots it hit first; to achieve this we wet the ball with water so the mark will be more evident †¢ Record these distances at least 3 times in and add them up to obtain the actual distance x. †¢ Compare these actual results with the predicted distance, which you obtain in the first part using u niform motion. Summary of Theory: Projectile motion in two dimensions can be predicted by treating the motion as two independent motions; the horizontal (x) component of the motion and the vertical (y) component of the motion. We examined projectile motion by observing a ball rolling down then leaving the ramp, thus becoming a projectile with a horizontal initial velocity. We measured the horizontal and vertical distances that the projectile traveled from the end of the ramp to when it hit the floor my using a meter stick to measure. -The correct equation for the horizontal motion used was: V=? X/t, where ? X is the distance on the horizontal motion and t is the time for each trail. -The equation used to find the time was the derived uniform accelerated motion equation: -t = v2y, where y is the height of the table and g is the acceleration due to gravity g on the vertical motion % Error, actual-predicted x 100% actual Data and Results |Trial |Times(s) |Velocity(m/s) | |1 |00:00:82 |12. 20 | |2 |00:00:83 |12. 05 | |3 |00:00:85 |11. 6 | |4 |00:00:85 |11. 76 | |5 |00:00:82 |12. 20 | |6 |00:00:78 |12. 82 | |7 |00:00:79 |12. 66 | |8 |00:00:88 |11. 36 | |9 |00:00:84 |11. 90 | |10 |00:00:88 |11. 36 | |Maximum Velocity |11. 36m/s | |Minimum Velocity |12. 0m/s | |Average Velocity |12. 01m/s | |Table Height |76. 30cm | |Predicted impact point |47. 32cm | |Minimum impact point distance |44. 76cm | |Maximum impact point distance |50. 51cm | |Actual impact point distance |46. 33cm | |% Error |2. 14% | Conclusions and Observations: Our predicted impact of (distance X) point of 47. 2cm wa s short by only 1cm of the actual X value of 46. 33cm. The impact points were close, so based on these results we support our predicted X value given the collected data from the experiment. I also calculated the % error and it was only 2. 14% and that again confirms our accurate result. One of the reasons for this accurate result was the technique we used to mark the point where the ball hit the floors in which we wet the ball with water so it will leave a mark on the paper place along the meter-stick. Another evidence to support our results was the height of table found from the kinematics’ equations was 76. cm while that actual measured height was 76. 3cm. As we performed the experiment we confirmed that the horizontal acceleration is always zero, but the horizontal distance that the ball covers before striking the ground does depend on initial velocity because we used uniform motion. We also leaned that Velocity in the y-direction is always zero at the beginning of the tra jectory. In other words, the acceleration in the y-direction is constant, a fact that confirms the independence of vertical and horizontal motion. Through this lab, I was able to examine the affect of forces on the trajectory of a moving object. How to cite Projectile Motion, Essay examples Projectile Motion Free Essays I. Introduction This study focuses on the different factors that affect the game results of the throwing events namely, javelin throw, discus throw, and shot put throw. It is observed that during athletic meets, the winner is determined by the farthest throwing distance. We will write a custom essay sample on Projectile Motion or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, this distance does not sum up the outstanding performance of a winning athlete. Several factors are deemed to be essential in strategically winning a throwing event. For instance, an athlete may need more effort in performing as compared to another because of certain physical or strategic hindrances. These hindrances seem to be inexistent when a game is analyzed using the distance covered only. Thus for the purposes of this study, the competition outcome is defined to be the resulting projectile from the throw. In analyzing the projectile, the research is opened to the influences of strategies beyond throwing the farthest. These factors can be grouped into three aspects: the thrown object’s standard measures, the strategy, and the player’s characteristics. First, the projectile allows us to examine the effects of the thrown object’s standard measures to the throwing ability of a player. These measurements include the weight of the object, and its circumference, in the case of the shot put and the discus, or its length, in the case of the javelin. Second, the projectile exposes the possibility of implementing various strategies that may affect the throwing distance, such as the angle of the throw and the velocity of the turn, in the case of the shot put and discus throw, or run, in the case of the javelin throw. Finally, the projectile also somehow illustrates the advantages or disadvantages of the player’s characteristics like height, weight, and body-build. Consequently, the research will not be tied to the distance results of the throwing events. Rather, it will be concerning thee different projectile elements – distance, height, angle, and force – as they are influenced by the aforementioned groups of variables. At the end of the day, this paper will justify the inevitability of standards with regard to the object’s measured properties, and will recommend the best player profile and playing strategy, as supported by the projectile results of conducted experiments. How to cite Projectile Motion, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Should We Abandon Nuclear Energy Essay Example
Should We Abandon Nuclear Energy? Essay Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel in order to develop the industry of getting minerals and digging tunnels; however, Dynamite is now widely used in military purpose. Similarly, nuclear energy is undoubtedly a powerful source of energy compared to other conventional fuels such as coal, oil and gas. However, nuclear energy also has a lot of disadvantages, such as nuclear wastes, nuclear plant accidents and nuclear weapons. So before widely use this technology, both pros and cons should be taken in consideration. On one hand, nuclear energy is not renewable, so the problem of nuclear waste is still unsolved. Nuclear waste is a waste produced by radioactive fissions. Unlike normal refuse, nuclear waste can be very harmful to all creatures. Radioactivity reduces over long periods of time, so the waste must be isolated until its radioactive isotopes to decay. For instance, a period of 10 to 50 years will make low-level wastes no longer dangerous. Moreover, wastes from the core of nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons emit large amounts of radiation and it take thousands of years for them to decay, some even longer than 100,000 years. Nowadays, the main approaches to manage radioactive waste is to permanently isolate the nuclear waste from the human environment such as deep burial and space disposal. But none of these methods is permanent solution. (Warren S. Melfort) In addition, a study from a Germany university, the University of Mainz, shows that kids living within a 5-kilometer radius of nuclear power stations have a 60 percent higher risk of cancer, and radiation experts also believe that children living within 50 kilometers of nuclear power stations have an increasing risk of cancer. Spix C, Schmiedel S, Kaatsch P, Schulze-Rath R, Blettner M) On another hand, using nuclear energy is high risky. Though it is generally safe to run a nuclear plant, accidents can always happen. The Chernobyl disaster would be a good example. It was a nuclear accident occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Soviet Union on April 26, 1986. It is known as the most severe nuclear power plant accident in history. The ra dioactive pollution influenced large parts of the Soviet Union, and much of Europe. We will write a custom essay sample on Should We Abandon Nuclear Energy? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Should We Abandon Nuclear Energy? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Should We Abandon Nuclear Energy? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Until December 2000, more than 350,000 people had been evacuated and resettled from the most severely polluted areas; furthermore, the World Health Organization believes that there will eventually be an amount of 4,000 deaths due to the accident because of long term disease such as cancer. (Richard Mould) Thus, even in situations where the nuclear energy is stable, accidents may occur. The Chernobyl disaster caused a huge danger to all of Europe. If accidents like this occur at a bigger plant, then the world can be even more harmed. (UNDP and UNICEF) Last but not least, as mentioned, nuclear fission can create an enormous amount of energy: at an equivalent mass, the process of nuclear fission creates energy in excess of 10 million times that fossil fuel does. As a result, if nuclear weapons were widely used, you cannot imagine the consequences. For instance, during the World War 2, Hiroshima was an important Japanese military centre with a population of almost 300,000. On August 6, 1945, this city was destroyed by a single atomic bomb named â€Å"Little Boy†and some 70,000 people died in the first seconds. Moreover, it is estimated that more than 200,000 people died in the following 5 years due to cancer and other long-term diseases. (F. G. Gosling) Furthermore, nuclear power stations would be perfect targets for terrorists. Although security is emphasized in these places, no nuclear power plants in the world could survive in an attack like 9/11 in New York. The consequences of such an attack could be catastrophic for the world. (Rose Kivi) To sum up, along with all of the disadvantages of nuclear energy, there are some benefits as well, such as nuclear energy do not create carbon dioxide, thus it could be a solution of global warming. However, from what has been discussed above, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Therefore nuclear energy should better be reserved for the future, when the technology is more developed.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
By the 1850s the Constitution DBQ essays
By the 1850s the Constitution DBQ essays Assignment: By the 1850s the Constitution, originally framed as an instrument of national unity, had become a source of sectional discord and tension and ultimately contributed to the failure of the union it had created. Assess the validity of this statement. The Constitution continued to bring national unity until the 1850s, but later, a series of resolutions raised a great confusion about the view of the Constitution concerning slavery. At this time, the law encouraged a growing split between the North and the South. The Compromise of 1850 seemed to satisfy the States, while it declared California a free State, gave a reasonable amount of money to Kansas, and allowed slave States to keep their slaves from deserting onto free States. (Doc. A) After a while, the number of fugitive slaves increased and it called for a new law. The Fugitive State Law led to a storm of opposition including the passage of personal liberty laws which were designed to hamper its enforcement. (Doc. B, D, F) The fugitive slave law turned out to be a major blunter on the part of the south while it awakened in the north a spirit of antagonism. To them this was a statute, which enacted the crime of kidnapping and it ordained disunion. (Doc. C, D) In 1853 the purchase from Mexico for $10 million gave south an advantage in the debate over the route for a transcontinental railroad, which was finally approved to pass by the organized territories of Kansas and Nebraska. But the question of slavery had yet to be answered in the Kansas-Nebraska territory. Senator Stephen Douglas of Illinois proposed that this issue be decided by popular sovereignty (but this violated the Missouri compromise of 1820). Kansas residents moved to free Nebraska and Nebraska residents moved to slave holding Kansas, but the transaction was followed by hostilities in many cases. Religious whites came in to fight and protest against slavery, cau ...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Dos and Donts for Parent-Teacher Conferences
Dos and Donts for Parent-Teacher Conferences Parent-Teacher Conferences, handled correctly, are an opportunity to form a cooperative team for the coming school year. You will need each students parents on your side in order to have the maximum positive impact on learning. Follow these guidelines and youll be on the right track: Dos Give parents plenty of notice. Remember that parents have busy lives and challenging work schedules. The more notice you give them, the more likely they will be able to attend the Parent-Teacher Conference.Start and end the Parent-Teacher Conference on a positive note. Remember that parents are often nervous, too. Set them at ease by starting off with your positive observations of their child. After youve explained some areas of improvement, finish the conference off with more things the parents can feel good about. This goes a long way toward creating a positive working relationship with them.Be organized. Fill out a pre-conference form for each student, complete with space for your notes and follow-up issues. The conference may be your first impression on the parents, and your organization will inspire confidence in your abilities to help their child this year.Listen actively. When the parents speak, concentrate and really hear what they are trying to communicate to you. You may ev en want to take notes. When parents feel heard, you are setting up a cooperative relationship for the coming school year. Have samples of student work to back up your points. When discussing specific learning goals for the student, show the parents what you observed in the classwork that shows a need for improvement. On the flip side, you can also show samples of work well done, so they can see how much the students are learning with you.Give the parents homework. Think of 2-3 customized tasks that the parents can do at home to help their child learn this school year. It may not always happen as you hope, but its worth a shot. Offer worksheets, websites, and tools to support their efforts.Call in the principal for touchy situations. Sometimes teachers need to call for backup. If a specific set of parents have already shown some hostility towards you, a trusted administrator can act as a facilitator who has everyones best interests at heart. Moreover, the principal can act as a witness for you, if the tone of the conference starts to sour. Donts Dont stray from the topic at hand. Its easy for conversations to wander off into fun topics, such as shared interests. But remember why you are having this conference in the first place and keep the meeting on track.Dont Get Emotional. Stay professional and objective as you describe the behavior youve observed from a particular child. If you stay rational and calm, the parents likely will, as well.Dont run late. Once the Parent-Teacher Conference schedule is set, do everything possible to keep things running in a timely manner. Parents have busy lives and have dropped everything to meet with you at the appointed time. Respecting their time will make a great impression.Dont have a messy classroom. We all know that classrooms can get messy during the busy course of a school day. But spend some time straightening up your room, especially your desk, in order to make the best possible impression.Dont overwhelm the parents with too many at-home tasks. Choose 2-3 doable ways that the parent s can support learning at home. Be specific and offer them the tools they will need to help their child.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Policy Analysis Process Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Policy Analysis Process - Research Paper Example at the introduction of this new policy in regard to the healthcare industry of the US is feasible; still, the effectiveness of this strategy in the long run cannot be guaranteed. The effectiveness of healthcare services is one of the major challenges that the government of the USA has to face. Through the decades, a series of plans have been developed to resolve the problem. Still, all these plans have been proved inappropriate for enhancing the quality of the country’s healthcare services. The specific topic is important at the level that it is related to the presentation of a policy that can assist in the improvement of healthcare services delivery in the USA. Thus, the significance of this topic is high. As already noted, this study focuses on the examination of the potential influence of ‘payment for performance’ policies on the quality of healthcare services delivery in the USA. In order for the framework and the goals of this study to be understood it is necessary that the critical terms of the paper are made clear. In this context, ‘payment for performance’, known also as value-based payment (Berenson, 2010, p.1), is a term used for reflecting the following condition – within each healthcare institute, the staff is paid based on the quality and not on the volume of services provided (Berenson, 2010, p.1). Another term which is highly related to this paper is the term ‘quality’. The role of quality in the healthcare system of the USA is described in the study of Jiang, Pang and Savin (2011). In the above study it is explained that quality has become a critical characteristic of modern healthcare systems (Jiang, Pang, & Savin, 2011). The term ‘quality’ in the above case reflects two important characteristics: a) the accessibility of healthcare services by people of different financial status and b) the ‘clinical outcomes of healthcare services’ (Jiang, Pang, & Savin, 2011, p.1). The key stakeholders in regard to the subject of this
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Relationship between literature, ehnicity and immigration Essay
Relationship between literature, ehnicity and immigration - Essay Example It is an observation that since ancient times, immigration remained a major activity of humans around the globe who used to travel from one region to another in search of food, shelter, employment, and several other facilities. In the result, this activity has enjoyed significant importance in every aspect of human life, and that is observable in huge amount of literature that indicates significance of immigration and its effects on different aspects of societies globally. This briefly allows the researcher to identify the relationship between immigration and literature, as the later one has always played the role of providing commentary regarding different cultural and social aspects related to the process of immigration during different eras. In addition, it is an understanding that literature has also been responsible for promoting or discouraging immigration in certain regions, and thus, both enjoy a strong relationship with each other. On the other hand, ethnicity is another imperative notion of human society that refers to the social concept that enables individuals or a group of people to identify each other based on language, culture, or ideology. In particular, analysis (Suls, pp. 33-38) has indicated that literature has been an important factor when it comes to ethnicity, as ethnic groups consider literature as one of their fundamental evidences to prove their ethnicity, and thus, literature and ethnicity exist in an interconnecting relationship with each other. Moreover, if one looks at the relationship of ethnicity and immigration, scrutiny of different sources has pointed out that immigration plays a crucial role in determining ethnicity of different group of people. For instance, when a group of people migrates from one country to another reason for any particular reason, the future generations of same group identify themselves in midst of two ethnicities, one existing in literature connecting them with th eir forefathers, and on the other hand, one existing in their society where they opened their eyes and grew up. In this regard, both literature and immigration are significant factors to contribute in alteration of ethnicity in a society, whereas, both immigration and ethnicity causes changes in literature, and similarly, literature and ethnicity has always become a reason of immigration in different parts of the globe. Therefore, it will be appropriate to state that all three notions of literature, ethnicity, and immigration enjoy a triangular relationship, where they interrelate with each other in different aspects. Examination of different sources (Suls, pp. 59-64) has indicated that literature related to immigration has always referred to historical and cultural models and techniques to understand its different features. In addition, literature and studies related to ethnicity have indicated dominance of similar models that indicates the relationship of the two with the literatu re. Another factor of their similar relationship with literature is their similar propensity towards ignoring social and cultural structures on micro or individual level. However, there have been instances where experts have suggested for a psychological scrutiny of different aspects of ethnicity and immigration and their impact on micro level; however, results have pointed out that both exist on macro level, and thus, majority of literature has indicated their construction as a macro component of human society. In order to understand the relationship of literature, ethnicity, and immigration further, the paper will now include analysis of the relationship based on theory of social identity by Tajfel (pp. 23-25) that will be effective in
Saturday, January 25, 2020
EBays Growth Strategies: An Analysis
EBays Growth Strategies: An Analysis To gain market in India, eBay has to change the way it operates. eBay.in has to develop and implement new strategies for the change management. Using the following table the best theory to use is Lippitts Phases of Change Theory. This theory consists of 7 steps and it mainly focuses on change agents roles and responsibilities compared to evolution of change in the organization. Implementing Lippitts phases of change theory on eBay.in The problem: eBay failed to make its impression in India, one main reason is the countrys internet and technology is still developing unlike in USA, where internet and technology growth reached its maturity level. People in India consider eBay as a virtual market, and so they dont believe in it, when compared to retail and wholesale markets. eBay is unable to adapt the different languages and cultures in the country so it is unknown to most of the people. Motivation and capacity for change: eBay has enough capacity for the change, and to localize itself in various states/cultures it needs to appoint local business people/change agents, who are familiar with local markets and the technology. Increase in fuel price, inflation, and recession are forcing people to choose other methods to purchase products they need, so eBay is the choice people have, and the change agent if able to inspire them the organization will grow strong in the market within few months. Change Agent and Resources: Recruiting those individuals who know the local market as well as have good knowledge about the internet and technology can be helpful. To check the motivation and commitment of the agent, he/she will be assessed through few interviews and other psychological tests. As the organization depends mainly on internet and technology, the required resources are available in India, like manpower, transportation, etc. Progressive change objects: Developing action plans and strategies with respect to different cultures and languages needs those language and culture experts, organization should employee those people before they build their strategies. The main goal here is to gain the customers belief and get close to them so they know the organization. Aims of this process are to decrease complexity and achieve operational excellence. Role of Change Agent: organization should define what they are expecting from the change agent, and change should be clear about what his/her duties are and should make it clear for the organization and other employees, and customers, by which no one gets confused in the process of change. Maintaining the Change: developing new strategies for marketing, like campaigns, advertisements about the organization and how the organization operates is very important for the organization. Taking feedbacks and review helps organization to understand how people are reacting and what are the other changes the organization needs to make, to increase belief on the organization? Change Agent: once organization reached a stage where people are believing in the organization and are able to communicate properly without any problem, the role of change agent should be lessened and the change process should be terminated slowly. What would you do differently if undertaking a project of this nature in the future? Following above steps can increase the belief of the people on the organization, but I would like to concentrate on one specific point i.e. existence of the organization in the virtual environment. The main reason, why people dont believe the eBay.in is because of its virtual existence, and I would like to change that in to physical existence. Both buyers and sellers are customers of the organization and they can do it online, but I would like to provide a small place/ business centre where people can come and meet directly and exchange goods or products. By this process people will be more attracted towards the organization and customers belief towards the organization increases. However, this contradicts with the idea of online marketing but, this process should be and will be followed only for few days, until and up to the organization gains the belief of its customers. And we use this business centre only for those customers who are willing to come and for complex situations to reduce complexity. Factors which can influence the change management process Power: many organizations follow hierarchical power i.e. managers take decisions, sometimes with the support of employees and sometimes without the support of employees, about the process and strategies that organization is going to follow. Here management of eBay considers buyers and sellers are equally powerful to make their own decisions. Culture: eBay is a massive community with unique culture. In the site individuals can find articles offering wider information than just auction listing or price lists or web site tools. eBay creates opportunities for people, it cares its customers, and making a difference in the world. It explains us the unique psychology, attitudes, and beliefs and values of the management and founders of eBay. Communication: organizational communication and interpersonal communication plays a vital role in effective change management. Organization communication is leader communicating with the employees through meeting, conferences, or electronic mails. This information in general is for everyone in the organization to explain new strategies or action plans to its employees. Interpersonal communication is communication between management and employees, in general to provide information on what they are expecting from the employees and what organization aims at. It is also useful in taking feedbacks as not all the employees work and learns at same-pace. Interpersonal communication increases relationship between employees and management which is very important for an organization to sustaining change. Conclusion: eBay was able to make a strong impact on the market in USA, UK, etc. because the growth of technology in these countries was too high. eBay inc primarily depend on the internet for its existence and without internet and technology it cannot exists. In countries like India, where internet and technology is still growing and didnt reach its maturity level, it is hard for the organization to grow and make an impact on the market. Education level of the customers also plays an important role in online business, developing new software to make selling and buying process simple also plays a role in the development of the organization. Technology is a macro environmental factor, meaning organizations like eBay cannot control or increase the growth of technology in markets like India. So, developing new strategies like building physical existence rather than virtual existence can make a difference, it is not necessary to start a retail market but proving a business centre, where people can come in case of necessary and delivery issues can increase belief of customers on the organization. Providing local language call centres and customers support centres also helps organization to grow in the developing markets. Change is necessary in the present world, increase in globalization and internationalization is forcing organization to change and develop new strategies to gain the markets and customers. Because of increase in competition organizations are changing their products and markets to gain competitive advantage. In one way or another change is coming into the organizations, and managing change is very important as improper manage of change can destroy organization. An American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang | Analysis An American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang | Analysis According to Chun, who has studied the typical Asian American stereotypes and the myth of their success, Asian American descendants have been pressured into assimilating within an inflexible mold of Americanization to avoid the anti-Oriental stereotypes and prejudices of American society (The Myth). Chuns observation indicates that minority youth in the United States are constantly hard pressed by the biased and unequal educational system that is majorly dominated by those who enjoy white privileges. Shim argues in his article, which introduces the history of yellow stereotypes in America since 1800s, that the entertainment industry plays a critical role to enforce and expand racist practices through the false presentation of Asian stereotypes (From Yellow). Based on the strong influence of the media to young generations, stereotypes are extensively imitated and exercised at schools. In American Born Chinese, a graphic novel written by an Asian American immigrant Gene Luen Yang, the author successfully communicates to the audience of unjustified stereotypes faced by Asian American youth that equally share his cultural background at schools (American). Themes Yangs primary message of the novel is to persuade students to overcome racial adversities and accept their true identities. He effectively utilizes pathos in the scenes where everyone dislikes Chin-Kees abnormal behavior and where Jin constantly has to fight against Asian stereotypes to highlight the hardships of acculturation of young generation in America. On the other hand, the implicit message of the novel is to allow educators to notice and seek for solutions on racial discrimination against non-white groups students that discourage their academic motivation and cultural preservation. In light of Yangs primary and secondary messages, the audience can learn that culture is not static or inherent for anyone. Instead, it is reproduced and learned by young generation as an account of evolving and complex progress through educational experience. Yang appeals to the greatest level of audience with three different genres and demonstrate to them the idea that minority youth culture is s haped and distorted in academic environment through the use of stereotyped behaviors, provocative language and ironic caricatures of Chin-Kee in the novel. Yang adopts three genres to targets audience from the general category of those who endeavor to identify their cultural heritage to the non-white minority groups in the American society. He expresses in an interview that, My Chinese heritage informs the way that I am an American (Youtube). These words indicate that Yang wants to draw the attention of Asian American immigrant specifically through the novel because of his academic experience. Nonetheless, the books increasing popularity successfully brought the attention of educators and critics of American power structures. He is able to reach different levels of audience for the reason that multi-culture education reflects the interaction of each individual pupil with the institutional system as well as the more complex economic-political society. Furthermore, Yang uses the comic book as the main genre, for that he regards comics as an individualistic pursuit that is intimate and reflective (Youtube). He also adopts sub-genres of sup erhero fiction and coming-of-age story in the novel to incorporate two different styles of stories that interrelate to each other. Three characters are portrayed by Yang in each story. All of them similarly feel the age to become Americanized with the expense of their original identity. The central characters include the Monkey King, who represents a superhero from the famous Chinese tale and Jin, who transforms himself into a typical white guy Danny to assimilate into American society. Yangs technique to adapt the old tale of Monkey King with some Catholic Elements proves that he successfully attracts not only Chinese American immigrants but also the audience from the dominant white culture. In addition, his own experience is reflected through the coming-of-age story, which persuades the wide range of audience of the novels credibility under the backdrop. In light of these methods, he inspires audience from various minority groups to discover and respect their cultural heritage. Stereotyped behaviors of Chin-Kee and Jin are depicted in the novel to present the distorted minority youth culture. Such students constantly face the hardships to accommodate and acculturate into American society. In anthropological terms, incommensurability refers to the fact that there are certain aspects of one culture that are hard for people from another culture to comprehend. According to American Born Chinese, Yang exaggerates scenes where Chin-Kee and Jin are constantly teased or excluded for the stereotyped behaviors by their white counterparts at school in order to reflect the incommensurable groups from the dominant culture. For instance, all the white students around Chin-Kee widely discuss about the fact that he eats crispy fried cat gizzards with noodle. Furthermore, the little white boy looks down upon Jin, who is introduced by the teacher on the first day of class. His expression very serious and disdainful, the boy insists that, My momma says Chinese people eat dogs . Yang goes on further to make the teacher respond that she thinks Jins family probably abandoned their old habit because they are eager to become like Americans (American Born Chinese).This two scenes indicates that the white students are unconsciously distinguishing between what we eat and what he eats. They fail to understand that this type of food, which they critically comment on, should not contribute to the reason why they regard their culture as more superior. As I have observed, Germans are frenzied about roasted pork feet. Also, Americans eat spam, a type of canned pork regularly. However, people from Islamic culture developed their eating habits that regard pork as dirty and inedible. Thus, the selection of food by people from different cultural backgrounds is idiosyncratic, and it should not be disrespected by anyone, for that otherwise the person automatically denies a part of his or her own culture. In the second scene, Yang intends to emphasize that educators should c ircumvent inequality and stereotypes while using their cultural power to teach students knowledge and the political structure. He arouses the audiences sympathy by presenting the critical stereotypes that the little boy Jin, who barely started his first day at an elementary school, has to experience. Jin not only encountered biased opinions from the teacher, but also the fellow classmates who spread rumors about his unusual relationship with a Japanese girl, Suzy Nakamura. At this point, the fact that white students concluded that Jin would marry Suzy once again implicates the students inability to notice that there are remarkable distinction between Chinese and Japanese culture although they both share the same Asian root. To a larger extent, the dominant groups falsely regard themselves as the mainstream culture and marked off a line between white society and the rest of others. This belief results in a subtraction process of minority youth culture that causes them to question the value of their original culture. Yang depicts the stereotyped opinions of Jins teachers and classmates to infer how academic environment influences Asian American immigrants like Jin to build their cultural identity. They need to constantly struggle between their original Asian blood and new Asian American citizenship. Also, through creating stereotypes from different angles of students and teachers toward Jin and Chin-Kee, Yang is able to persuade the audience that culture is a process that maintains the larger stratified system in American society. For instance, Jin assumes that he is not accepted by the dominant culture because of his racial identity. As a result of the cultural tension, he goes so far in the story as to transform himself into a white guy, Danny. Ironically, he ends up at a Chinese cafà © drinking Boba tea with Wei-Chen, the monkey, in a similar vein, who symbolically transforms into a human being. Jin abandons the American identity that he dreamed about. In this circumstance, the academic envir onment forced Jin to fight against his Chinese background to assimilate into the American society where white people rule the dominant culture. Yang deliberately set up the ending in which Jin ultimately recognizes that he should learn to appreciate his part of Chinese origin. This allows the minority immigrants under the similar context to understand that each culture encompasses unique practices and knowledge. The incommensurability is the product of students engagement in school activates. As a result, Yang shows how interactions among individuals empower the meaning of culture. He intends to emphasize that educators are responsible to inform the significance of culture and clarify the power structures beyond academic competence. Yang enhances the effect of Asian American stereotypes by applying rhetorical skills such as provocative language and ironic caricatures. Readers and Yang himself consider the language in American Born Chinese as unnecessarily crass (Yang, Kartika Review). Yang utilizes this style of language to transfer the idea that biased interrelationship of different cultures is unhealthy and uncivilized in a similar token. Furthermore, the categorized power structure influences younger generation to shape their notions toward a diversity of experience at school. For instance, Timmy, the white boy from Jins elementary school refers to Jin as bucktooth without any hesitation. He does not care what harm he causes Jin. On the other hand, Timmy changes his tone when he calls the other white friend Pansy Boy to a whisper due to his serious demand. Yangs use of transitional language here reflects Timmys perception of his position in the society. He visions white culture as more powerful and privileged , so that he verbally bullying the inferior races and compromise with the kid from his superior group. Lastly, Yang draws caricatures in the novel to symbolically refer to the exaggerated stereotypes that are placed on Asian American immigrants. For instance, Chin-Kee wears outdated clothing and has a physical appearance that looks like underdeveloped human beings. Also, Chin-Kee never changes his outfit throughout the novel and has long hair that only past ancestors do in China. Thus, through combining the Asian American stereotypes throughout the book with rhetorical devices such as language and caricatures, Yang successfully delivers the message that culture is not inherited but instead a process that is learned and shaped by power structures in the society through educational means. It is also described in the article Culture as Disability, written by McDermott and Varenne, that culture reveals not broken person but identifications neatly tuned to the workings of institutions serving political and economic ends. Yang intends to persuade educators that they should start to notice that it is their responsibility to respect each cultural practice and value. Although racial discrimination is hard to extinguish in the society, it is possible to educate young generation to appreciate their cultural heritage while assimilating into the American society. Most importantly, instructors should clarify the opportunity structure under the socio-economic context and ne atly tuned to explain the process of cultural construction. In this fashion, young generation may obtain different perspectives from It is because we are minority groups to We can make a difference because we are no different than people from the dominant culture. Electrical Stimulus in a Frog Muscle: Experiment Electrical Stimulus in a Frog Muscle: Experiment Frogs are keystone species, an essential organism to aquatic ecosystems. They have both terrestrial and aquatic niches as predators and prey and serve as indicator species to assess the response of ecosystems to environmental change. To execute daily locomotion patterns, frogs use skeletal muscles. We wanted to determine the relationship between the strength of the stimulus and the response of the muscle. We also wanted to measure the amplitude of contraction produced in a muscle that is stimulated with repeated pulses delivered at progressively higher frequencies. We hypothesized that increasing stimulus voltage in the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog will result in an increase in stimulation amplitude and that an increase in stimulation frequency at a constant voltage will result in an increase in force generated by the muscle up until a point where it plateaus. We found that our hypotheses were supported and that muscle regulation was via temporal and spatial recruitment. This study is important because it serves as a model for understanding skeletal muscle mechanisms in other organisms including humans. Frogs are widely distributed terrestrial amphibians that inhabit upland and wetland regions, found on all continents of the world except Antarctica. Many frog species, in both larval and adult stages serve as important prey for larger predators including fish, raccoons, snakes and birds of prey (Chalcraft and Resetarits 2003; Auniola and Kauhala 2001). Additionally frogs serve an important role as indicators of environmental stress (King 2010). A review of complex systems in temporary ponds by Wilbur (1997) makes the argument that frogs have two distinct niches, one terrestrial and one aquatic. Wilbur states all frogs with free-living larvae change at metamorphosis from aquatic omnivorous tadpoles to amphibious carnivorous adults. The role of such connections among food webs is a fruitful area for both theoretical and empirical research because the foraging of animals across ectones may be an important biological mechanism linking elements of the mosaics of habitats that form landsca pes. One trait frogs are most known for is locomotion. Frogs typically display two type of locomotion: jumping and swimming. Though frogs are traditionally presented as jump specialists most species also swim (Navas et al. 1999). Frogs exhibit these locomotive behaviors for a variety of reasons including escaping predators, often times by a short set of quick and powerful jumps (Carvalho, Gomes and Navas 2007). Frog locomotion is dependent on muscles, particularly skeletal muscles, which are muscles connected to the skeleton (Marsh and Olson 1998). Skeletal muscles are organized beginning with units called sarcomeres. A sarcomere consists of two opposing vertical Z-line discs each with actin filaments attached. A myosin filament floats between each horizontal actin section. Sarcomeres are connected to each other by Z-lines. One mechanism of muscle contraction begins with the sliding of the actin and myosin filaments. Parts of the myosin, known as myosin heads, bind to the free end of the actin, the end not attached to the Z-line, and pull it one way toward the center of the mysosin, in an accordian-like mechanism. The muscle shortens or contracts because the sarcomeres shorten. The process by which the myosin binds to the actin is called the Cross-Bridge cycle. The binding of the myosin to actin is the trigger for the myosin head to tilt and release an ADP and a P as well as a powerstroke. ATP binds to the myosin head and the myosin releases the actin, in a softening effect. The ATP is hydrolyzed and delivers energy to moved the mysosin head back and it is ready for the next powerstroke. The sarcomeres move closer together by many of these powerstrokes occurring one after the other. In the Cross-Bridge cycle myosin is normally prevented from binding to the actin. Another protein called tropomyosin, which is wrapped around the actin, is in the way to block the actin-myosin binding site. Another protein, troponin, is attached to the tropomyosin and when triggered, moves the troponin away to allow the binding to occur. But what triggers the tropomyosin to move the troponin? The simple answer is calcium and this occurs in a process called excitation-contraction coupling. In excitation-contraction coupling an action potential or electrical stimulus, runs down a T-tubule in the muscle fiber. The stimulus reaches a ryanodyne receptor which opens ion channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, a storage space for calcium in the muscle fibers. Once the ion channels are opened, calcium runs out into the cell. For the muscle to relax or return to its original resting position, calcium must be moved back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum by a SERCA pump. Because calcium is being moved against a concentration gradient, this relaxation requires ATP. The SERCA pump lowers calcium levels in the cytosol or cell and when the calcium is taken up again the muscle relaxes. Since muscles are not contracting all the time muscle contraction must be regulated. Regulating the muscles allows frogs to change aspects of locomotive behavior, such as how far a frog is able to jump. Muscle contraction force can be regulated by calcium in three mechanisms: temporal recruitment, in which the firing rate at which individual motor neurons fire is changed; spatial recruitment, in which the number of active motor units is changed; and the length-tension relationship, in which the sarcomere length is changed to generate tension. This study focuses on the force of muscle contraction via temporal and spatial recruitment. In temporal recruitment, the frequency of the action potential is changed, usually increased, so that more calcium is released into the muscle cell. More calcium in the cell results in more tension generated. Another mechanism for the regulation of muscle contraction force is motor unit recruitment, also known as spatial recruitment. A motor unit is comprised of muscle fibers and a motor neuron. There are different amounts of fibers per motor unit. In spatial recruitment the number of active motor units is increased to increase the strength of muscle contraction. More motor units means that more muscle fibers can be stimulated. If only half of the muscle fibers are stimulated, only half the amount of force will be generated. If all of the muscle fibers are stimulated, the maximum amount of force will be generated. We hypothesized that if we increase voltage of an electrical stimulus in a frog muscle we will see an increase in stimulation amplitude and if we increase stimulation frequency at a constant voltage, we will see an increase in force generated by the muscle up until a point where it plateaus. Materials Methods: We used the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog in two experiments. In the first experiment we used a single stimulus, changing the voltage of the stimulus from 0 volts to 2.0 volts. The force of the muscle was recorded. In the second experiment we stimulated the muscle in series of ten using a constant voltage identified in the first experiment. The frequency of the stimuli was progressively increased starting at 0.5 and ending at 30 Hz. Results: Our results showed that as the stimulus increases the amplitude of the muscle twitches increases up until a point where it plateaus. Our results also showed that as the stimulation frequency increases the passive tension of the muscle increase up until a point where it plateaus. Figure 1 shows a normalized graph for the effects of increasing stimulus on the amplitude of muscle twitches in the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog. The x-axis is the recorded stimulus in volts and the y-axis is the amplitude of the twitches (displayed as a percentage of the maximum). The graph shows that as the stimulus increases the amplitude of the muscle twitches increases up until a point where it plateaus. Table 1 shows a set of group data from the first experiment, in which amplitude and times of muscle twitches were generated by stimulus pulses of different amplitudes. As in Figure 1, Table 1 shows that as the stimulus increases the amplitude of the muscle twitches increases up until a point where it plateaus. The contraction time and latency period remains largely unchanged with changing stimulus amplitude. Figure 2 shows a normalized graph for the effects of increasing stimulation frequency on the passive tension in the gastrocnemius muscle of a frog. The x-axis is the stimulus frequency in hertz and the y-axis is the passive tension in the muscle (displayed as a percentage of the maximum). The graph shows that as the stimulation frequency increases the passive tension of the muscle increase up until a point where it plateaus. Table 2 shows a set of group data from the second experiment, in which the strength of muscle contraction was examined during mechanical summation and tetanus. As in Figure 2, Table 2 shows that as the stimulus increases the amplitude of the muscle twitches increases up until a point where it plateaus. The amplitude of the first twitch remains largely unchanged with changing stimulus amplitude. Discussion: The data shows that the direct electrical stimulation produces contraction of the muscle via motor units. A little bit of force is generated when a few of these motor units are being used and a lot of force is generated when lots of motor units are being used. The muscle does not respond to the low stimulus voltages because the electrical stimulus is not directly touching the muscle, it is touching the surrounding connective tissue. The low stimulus voltages are not strong enough to penetrate the tissue. As noted in Figure 1 and Table 1 the amplitude of the muscle response increases with increasing stimulus voltages. This is so because more and more of the muscle mass is stimulated as the voltages increase. At high stimulus voltages, the muscle response reaches maximum amplitude. The muscle response does not continue to increase with increasing stimulus voltages because the muscle is already functioning at the best of its ability. The muscle cells have reached the point where all the troponins are activated by calcium. Releasing more calcium into the cell will not result in any more tension generated, as the system is already working at its maximum capacity. Latency is the interval between stimulus and a response to the stimulus, here meaning muscle contraction. Over this period, the action potential sweeps across the cell membrane of the muscle cell and the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium ions. The muscle fiber does not produce tension during the latent period, because the contraction cycle has yet to begin. The latency period in this study was constant at 0.025 seconds.This result been found by anyone else and it seems does not vary among other species, since it is roughly the same for humans (Hamilton and Osborn 1977). Since contraction amplitude is dependent upon the increases in concentration and persistence of intracellular calcium, the question of why the contraction amplitudes of single twitches are the same is raised. This can be explained because the same amount of calcium is being put in for the same repeated event. As noted in Table 2, the amplitude of the first twitch seems to be constant (value). This can be explained because the muscle is utilizing the same amount of calcium and is thus generating the same amount of force. Tetanus is the complete contraction of a muscle. Tetanus requires high stimulus frequencies. This tells us that the calcium re-uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum is slower than the original release. The rate of muscle relaxation is much slower after tetanus than after a single twitch because more calcium needs to be re-taken up and it takes longer to get all the extra added calcium back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. A study on jumping bullfrogs by Marsh and Roberts reveals two points of interest: first, frogs jump farther than they should, considering only the force their muscles are able to generate. Second, muscles are able to do the most work when they contract slowly, however frog jumping involves a very rapid movement. They explain that by separating the performance of muscular work from the application of mechanical work to the body, a catapult-like mechanism, which works by loading elastic elements into the limbs prior to initiating a jump, overcomes the constraints of skeletal muscle function (Marsh and Roberts 2003). Another study by Aerts and Nauwelaerts (2006) indicates that by taking more small jumps as opposed to fewer larger jumps, frogs can increase their flexibility in movement because they would be able to change direction during the forward movement part jumping. Theoretically this means they would spend less time in the same spot during landing and recovery of the jumping cycle, which makes them more likely to be snatched by a predator. Frogs have physiological mechanisms that have enabled their muscles to generate enough force for jumping and swimming locomotion including changing the frequency of the action potential and increasing the number of active motor units. As mentioned before, frogs are a keystone species, meaning other organisms rely on it and not always directly in a predator-prey relationship. Without frogs, food webs would collapse and lead to the demise of many other species and potentially entire ecosystems. This study is important because it serves as a model for understanding skeletal muscle mechanisms in other organisms including humans.
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