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Projectile Motion Free Essays
PROJECTILE MOTION AND BASKET BALL By: Fieda Rizkiana 09/X11 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2 KEDIRI 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The writer expresses her gratitude to Allah SWT for blessing, love, opportunity, health and mercy to complete this assignment entitled â€Å"PROJECTILE MOTION AND BASKET BALL†to complete final task of Physics in 2nd semester. To complete this assignment, the writer knows that without other people’s help and support she will never be able to finish it. Therefore, writer would like to express her gratitude to everyone who helped her. We will write a custom essay sample on Projectile Motion or any similar topic only for you Order Now The writer realizes that this assignment is far for being perfect, so suggestion and criticism for the perfection of this assignment will be the most welcome and accepted with pleasant and gratitude. Finally, she hopes that this Physics assignment will be usefull for the readers and especially for herself. Kediri, 27th of February 2013 The Writer TABEL OF CONTENT Cover Page i Acknowledgement ii Table of Content iii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 A. Purpose 1 B. Background1 C. Material 1 D. Procedure 2 CHAPTER II DISCUSSION3 A. Result of Experiment 3 B. Analysis 4 CHAPTER III CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 15 Bibliography 16 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The purpose of this experiment is: 1. Knowing the work of projectile motion in basket ball 2. Knowing the V0 3. Knowing the t BACKGROUND In order to figure out the perfect shot, you are going to need to know what projectile motion is. So really, what is projectile motion? Projectile motion is the curved path (also known as a parabola) an object follows when thrown near the surface of the Earth. It has an initial velocity, but after that, the only force acting on the object is gravity. In order to figure out the perfect shot, you are going to need to know what projectile motion is. So really, what is projectile motion? Projectile motion is the curved path (also known as a parabola) an object follows when thrown near the surface of the Earth. It has an initial velocity, but after that, the only force acting on the object is gravity. MATERIAL 1. Basket ball 2. Meter roll 3. Notebook and pen to write the result PROCEDURE 1. Measure: a. height of ring b. height of thrower c. distance between ring and thrower 2. Thrower shoot basket ball toward the ring with the specified distance 3. Write the data from the measurement 4. Analyze the data to find a value of velocity and time needed CHAPTER II DATA OF EXPERIMENT Hr Ht Yf X Vo Explanation: V0= initial velocity = angle X= horizontal distance between thrower and ring Ht= the height of thrower Hr= the height of ring Yf= the difference between height of ring and height of thrower Experiment| Shot 1| Shot 2| Shot 3| Shot 4| Shot 5| X| 6. 3 m| 5. 6 m| 4. 6 m| 3. 8 m| 2. 75 m| Yf| 1. 51 m| 1. 51 m| 1. 51 m| 1. 51 m| 1. 51 m| Ht| 1. 49 m| 1. 49 m| 1. 49 m| 1. 49 m| 1. 49 m| Hr| 3 m| 3 m| 3 m| 3 m| 3 m| ANALYSIS Shooting a basketball can be described as a projectile motion. When the object was thrown, the velocity will become zero once it reach the highest point, after that the ball will continue to move forward because the horizontal force still exists. It will continue to move forward until it hit the ground, due to the gravity. So to figure out the perfect angle to shoot the ball at, we will have to use reverse trigonometry. Since we were given the Vix and the Viy, you will need to use the reverse of tangent, also known as arctangent. Data I X1= 6. 3 m Ht= 1. 49 Hr = 3 m Yf= 3 – 1. 49 = 1. 51 m Tan ? = Yfx1 Tan ? = 1. 516. 3 Tan ? = 0. 2396825397 ?= 13. 47853354 ° yf= vo2? sin2? 2g 1. 51= vo2? sin213. 47853354 °2 . 9. 8 1. 51? 19. 6= vo2? 0. 05432677 vo2=29. 5960. 05432677 vo=544. 777457 vo=23. 34046822 m/s t= v0? sin? g t= 23. 34046822 ? 0. 2330810399. 8 t=5. 402205839. 8 t=0. 555124549 s So, the basketball will get in the hoop if: * Distance between thrower and ring is 6. 3 m * Height of people is 1. 49 m * Height of the ring is 3 m * The angel is 13. 47853354 ° * The initial velocity is 23. 34046822 m/s * The time is 0. 555124549 s Data II X2= 5. 6 m Ht= 1. 49 Hr = 3 m Yf= 3 – 1. 49 = 1. 51 m Tan ? = Yfx2 Ta n ? = 1. 515. 6 Tan ? = 0. 269642857 ?= 15. 09050101 ° yf= vo2? sin2? 2g 1. 51= vo2? sin215. 09050101 °2 . 9. 8 1. 51? 19. 6= vo2? 0. 067779227 vo2=29. 5960. 067779227 vo=436. 6529536 vo=20. 89624257 m/s t= v0? sin? g t= 20. 89624257 ? 0. 260344449. 8 t=5. 4402205719. t=0. 555124548 s So, the basketball will get in the hoop if: * Distance between thrower and ring is 5. 6 m * Height of people is 1. 49 m * Height of the ring is 3 m * The angel is 15. 09050101 ° * The initial velocity is 20. 89624257 m/s * The time is 0. 555124548 s Data III X3= 4. 6 m Ht= 1. 49 Hr = 3 m Yf= 3 – 1. 49 = 1. 51 m Tan ? = Yfx1 Tan ? = 1. 514. 6 Tan ? = 0. 328260869 ?= 18. 17298431 ° yf= vo2? sin2? 2g 1. 51= vo2? sin2 18. 17298431 °2 . 9. 8 1. 51? 19. 6= vo2? 0. 097273475 vo2=29. 5960. 05432677 vo=304. 2556026 vo=17. 44292414 m/s t= v0? sin? g t= 17. 44292414 ? 0. 311886969. 8 t=5. 4402205849. 8 t=0. 55124549 s So, the basketball will get in the hoop if: * The distance between thrower and ring is 4. 6 m * The height of people is 1. 49 m * The height of the ring is 3 m * The angel is 18. 17298431 ° * The initial velocity is vo=17. 44292414 m/s * The time is 0. 555124549 s Data IV X4= 3. 8 m Ht= 1. 49 Hr = 3 m Yf= 3 – 1. 49 = 1. 51 m Tan ? = Yfx1 Tan ? = 1. 513. 8 Tan ? = 0. 397368421 ?= 21. 6713103 ° yf= vo2? sin2? 2g 1. 51= vo2? sin221. 6713103 °2 . 9. 8 1. 51? 19. 6= vo2? 0. 136368801 vo2=29. 5960. 136368801 vo=217. 0291126 vo=14. 73190797 m/s t= v0? sin? g t= 14. 73190797 ? 0. 3692814669. 8 t=5. 4402205749. t=0. 555124548 s So, the basketball will get in the hoop if: * Distance between thrower and ring is 3. 8 m * Height of people is 1. 49 m * Height of the ring is 3 m * The angel is 21. 6713103 ° * The initial velocity is vo=14. 73190797m/s * The time is 0. 555124548 s Data V X5= 2. 75 m Ht= 1. 49 Hr = 3 m Yf= 3 – 1. 49 = 1. 51 m Tan ? = Yfx1 Tan ? = 1. 512. 75 Tan ? = 0. 549090909 ?= 28. 77078832 ° yf= vo2? sin22g 1. 51= vo2? sin228. 77078 8322 . 9. 8 1. 51? 19. 6= vo2? 0. 231656269 vo2=29. 5960. 231656269 vo=127. 7582517 vo=11. 30301958 m/s t= v0? sin? g t= 11. 30301958 ? 0. 4813068359. 8 t=5. 4402205819. t=0. 555124549 s So, the basketball will get in the hoop if: * Distance between thrower and ring is 2. 75 m * Height of people is 1. 49 m * Height of the ring is 3 m * The angel is 28. 77078832 ° * The initial velocity is 11. 30301958 m/s * The time is0. 555124549 s CHAPTER III CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Conclusion: 1. The things that affect projectile motion are the power when we release the ball, ball height, and gravity. 2. Benefit of understanding and applying theory of projectile motion in basketball game is your shot release speed will be adjusted according to what height the ball is release from (e. . , from a jump shot or from the floor). That is because you know the difference between the basket height and the release point determines in part how long the ball must be in the air to reach the hoop. Suggesti on: When doing an experiment we have to be more careful and serious, so we get a more accurate result. BIBLIOGGRAPHY http://www. wired. com/images_blogs/wiredscience/2011/10/shot2s. jpg https://sites. google. com/a/mcsdonline. org/emilee-meyer/basketball-projectile-motion-fun How to cite Projectile Motion, Papers Projectile Motion Free Essays Projectile Motion Lab Report Objectives: This laboratory experiment presents the opportunity to study motion in two dimensions, projectile motion, which can be described as accelerated motion in the vertical direction and uniform motion in the horizontal direction. Procedures and Apparatus: |Rubber Ball |White sheets of papers | |Metal Track |Water | |Books |Table | |Meter-stick |Stopwatch | Obtain all the apparatus and material needed to proceed with experiment †¢ Set up a ramp using the metal track and a bunch of books at any angle so that the ball will roll off. †¢ Measure the distance from the edge of the table to the end of the ramp. We will write a custom essay sample on Projectile Motion or any similar topic only for you Order Now †¢ Roll the ball down the ramp and off the table but make sure to catch the ball as soon as it leaves the table; do this part 10 times and record the times †¢ Calculate average velocity for this step †¢ Measure the height (vertical distance or the y-axis) of the table. †¢ Using this height, derive t (time) from the uniform accelerated motion in order to obtain the predicted distance x. The next step is to release the ball from the ramp and let it fall off the table to the floor. †¢ Measure the spot on the floor where the ball hits the floor point when the ball rolls off the table. †¢ We positioned a piece of paper on the floor on which the ball marks the spots it hit first; to achieve this we wet the ball with water so the mark will be more evident †¢ Record these distances at least 3 times in and add them up to obtain the actual distance x. †¢ Compare these actual results with the predicted distance, which you obtain in the first part using u niform motion. Summary of Theory: Projectile motion in two dimensions can be predicted by treating the motion as two independent motions; the horizontal (x) component of the motion and the vertical (y) component of the motion. We examined projectile motion by observing a ball rolling down then leaving the ramp, thus becoming a projectile with a horizontal initial velocity. We measured the horizontal and vertical distances that the projectile traveled from the end of the ramp to when it hit the floor my using a meter stick to measure. -The correct equation for the horizontal motion used was: V=? X/t, where ? X is the distance on the horizontal motion and t is the time for each trail. -The equation used to find the time was the derived uniform accelerated motion equation: -t = v2y, where y is the height of the table and g is the acceleration due to gravity g on the vertical motion % Error, actual-predicted x 100% actual Data and Results |Trial |Times(s) |Velocity(m/s) | |1 |00:00:82 |12. 20 | |2 |00:00:83 |12. 05 | |3 |00:00:85 |11. 6 | |4 |00:00:85 |11. 76 | |5 |00:00:82 |12. 20 | |6 |00:00:78 |12. 82 | |7 |00:00:79 |12. 66 | |8 |00:00:88 |11. 36 | |9 |00:00:84 |11. 90 | |10 |00:00:88 |11. 36 | |Maximum Velocity |11. 36m/s | |Minimum Velocity |12. 0m/s | |Average Velocity |12. 01m/s | |Table Height |76. 30cm | |Predicted impact point |47. 32cm | |Minimum impact point distance |44. 76cm | |Maximum impact point distance |50. 51cm | |Actual impact point distance |46. 33cm | |% Error |2. 14% | Conclusions and Observations: Our predicted impact of (distance X) point of 47. 2cm wa s short by only 1cm of the actual X value of 46. 33cm. The impact points were close, so based on these results we support our predicted X value given the collected data from the experiment. I also calculated the % error and it was only 2. 14% and that again confirms our accurate result. One of the reasons for this accurate result was the technique we used to mark the point where the ball hit the floors in which we wet the ball with water so it will leave a mark on the paper place along the meter-stick. Another evidence to support our results was the height of table found from the kinematics’ equations was 76. cm while that actual measured height was 76. 3cm. As we performed the experiment we confirmed that the horizontal acceleration is always zero, but the horizontal distance that the ball covers before striking the ground does depend on initial velocity because we used uniform motion. We also leaned that Velocity in the y-direction is always zero at the beginning of the tra jectory. In other words, the acceleration in the y-direction is constant, a fact that confirms the independence of vertical and horizontal motion. Through this lab, I was able to examine the affect of forces on the trajectory of a moving object. How to cite Projectile Motion, Essay examples Projectile Motion Free Essays I. Introduction This study focuses on the different factors that affect the game results of the throwing events namely, javelin throw, discus throw, and shot put throw. It is observed that during athletic meets, the winner is determined by the farthest throwing distance. We will write a custom essay sample on Projectile Motion or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, this distance does not sum up the outstanding performance of a winning athlete. Several factors are deemed to be essential in strategically winning a throwing event. For instance, an athlete may need more effort in performing as compared to another because of certain physical or strategic hindrances. These hindrances seem to be inexistent when a game is analyzed using the distance covered only. Thus for the purposes of this study, the competition outcome is defined to be the resulting projectile from the throw. In analyzing the projectile, the research is opened to the influences of strategies beyond throwing the farthest. These factors can be grouped into three aspects: the thrown object’s standard measures, the strategy, and the player’s characteristics. First, the projectile allows us to examine the effects of the thrown object’s standard measures to the throwing ability of a player. These measurements include the weight of the object, and its circumference, in the case of the shot put and the discus, or its length, in the case of the javelin. Second, the projectile exposes the possibility of implementing various strategies that may affect the throwing distance, such as the angle of the throw and the velocity of the turn, in the case of the shot put and discus throw, or run, in the case of the javelin throw. Finally, the projectile also somehow illustrates the advantages or disadvantages of the player’s characteristics like height, weight, and body-build. Consequently, the research will not be tied to the distance results of the throwing events. Rather, it will be concerning thee different projectile elements – distance, height, angle, and force – as they are influenced by the aforementioned groups of variables. At the end of the day, this paper will justify the inevitability of standards with regard to the object’s measured properties, and will recommend the best player profile and playing strategy, as supported by the projectile results of conducted experiments. How to cite Projectile Motion, Essay examples
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